Wednesday 10 July 2013

the queen is dead/ le pendu

Nov 7, 2011

not really! though with prince charles getting a previously undisclosed veto over any legislation that might affect his interests as a private millionaire she may as well shuffle off right now for all the constitutional improvement that's going to bring.

horsemouth is still ill. he has however been listening to the smiths the queen is dead - while he doesn't think the album as a whole is a work of genius it does contain some great one liners. truth be told horsemouth was never that great a fan of johnny marr's guitar and he finds the smiths in rock n' roll mode frankly (mr. shankly) tedious. morrissey fails to make any racist remarks (that horsemouth can detect) - on the basis of bengali in platforms (from viva hate) horsemouth is clear that morrissey is a racist (however he does write a good lyric). he also listened to portishead portishead which hasn't aged quite so well (though horsemouth remembers absolutely loving it when he first heard it).

howard reports seeing the sun in his dreams on a regular basis - so that about wraps it up for Nerval (who says that you cannot).

last night horsemouth made soup - he's enjoying his time off ill. he's back to work tommorow. the central heating worked for a bit this morning (it's probably on a secret timer).

le pendu
horsemouth is ill - his body has finally said no to 40 hour weeks and building work and stress. it has filled his lungs (and nose) with mucous, then withdrawn its lubricating properties to leave horsemouth with a dry painful cough (but still a full nose) as usual when horsemouth is ill he has been practicing his bass notes.
to compound his suffering horsemouth is working his way through a collection of gerard de nerval (kind of a french de quincey - though without the opium). horsemouth had not realised he was a folk-song collector (in the valois) and that he had participated in free-jazz type music making on a collection of brass instruments that none of them knew how to play with petrus borel and his friends... that and the apocryphal tale that his last writings were found in the pockets of his hanging body.

horsemouth's central heating is playing up - last night when horsemouth returned it worked then horsemouth managed to inadvertantly kill it. fortunately the weather is mild. he watched a little of halloween to put him in the mood.

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