Sunday 31 October 2021

don't fear the reaper

in the celtic system of days the evening is the start of the new day. 

dark precedes light.

based on this system j.g. frazier (the golden bough) argued that samhain was the beginning of the celtic new year. 

so this evening as darkness falls the new year begins. 

wheras beltane is attention paid to growth and new things samhain is about attention to death and the old things. the dead come close. feasting and fires of purification. if you are watching halloween as horsemouth watches it you will have watched up to the end of michael myer's escape (and will now watch the rest of it and halloween II  tonight). 

this year there's a strange thing with the clocks also. 

horsemouth once announced a scheme to play his gigs in relation (as close as he could) to the wheel of the year, the two solstices, two equinoxes and the four celtic quarter days. (he has to some extent managed it and got in an additional friday 13th). 

horsemouth is of a gothy disposition.


dana's faith (mia and julliet - two teenage girls) review don't fear the reaper. they truly get it (except that they can't face the darkness of the lyrics and render it a song about the acceptance of death). to horsemouth it always seemed a song about a suicide pact or vampires

'it's so creepy. but in a good way.'

they are right to identify the guitar solo as ASTOUNDING (and to praise the drummer). horsemouth has extended his blue oyster cult position from black and white (the first three albums) and the odd few tracks from the corporate rock years (cultosaurus  and fire of unknown origin) to an agents of fortune position. he finds it an almost perfect rock album. 

it is three full months since horsemouth even thought about working. he still has not fully sorted out his finances fully, nor got a new passsport, nor come up with a plan. he needs to move on to the new thing. 

sylvie has died (so people say). horsemouth remembers her dancing in front of lee scratch perry. he remembers snogging her in the three crowns and them being ushered out by the bar man. he wishes her well on her journey across the rainbow bridge. 

yesterday howard was round. the sun shone and they sat out on the front porch drinking beer and listening to music. howard played recordings of five demo tracks for the next musicians of bremen album (probably a howard solo effort). they were good. 

horsemouth lent howard the resonator largely because he had recorded one of the demo tracks with it and it had sounded good. howard seemed to be angling after another electric guitar (but without an amp they are kind of pointless suggests horsemouth). 

howard (being a practical, can-do sort of person) helped horsemouth process the recent communal endeavour related difficulties - they are now on a new path. horsemouth should get out that little bluffer's guide to project management and check through swots and pestles (and risk analysis - someone is certain to demand a risk analysis). 

this is still occupying horsemouth's head way too much. he will call andrew minty and get him to intercede and gradually assemble a safer work environment. 

horsemouth just saw a magpie. a bird that is both black and white. outside it is a rainy grey day. 

Saturday 30 October 2021

'I am charging you with murder.' 'oh good.' (things can only get better)

so horsemouth is gone (just imagine that). how will he be remembered? a doughty warrior for social justice? an annoying dilettante and drone? mostly harmless?

you will decide and he will no longer be there to importune you to listen to his music or share his literary enthusiasms or political outrages. 

he will leave his writing and his songs and mixes stored on digital platforms (digital platforms that that will no doubt become deserted zombie -infested shopping malls within a decade). there will be a few CDs remaining, a box full of unrevealing diaries. 

eight years ago horsemouth was celebrating because 6 years worth of his old style myspace blogs had been ransomed and returned to him (having been disappeared by them without warning one fine morning a year before). now it sits as a zip file on an old disused computer (the netbook) and as an attachment in email account. 

horsemouth's great library of alexandria he is already thinking about dispersing - he needs to get more mobile. it's a pity. his room looks great again. this time it is very cosy (like mole's houses in wind in the willows).

a year ago he was watching ingmar bergman, two years ago reading duras and bukowski, three years ago reading the journal of a victorian poacher, four years ago he was beset by his anxieties.

last night horsemouth was beset by his anxieties but also his rages. a woman is charged with murder (she has stabbed her husband to death and left him to die in the kitchen) 'I am charging you with murder.' 'oh good.' she replies. this is what sealed her fate. refusing to apologise or show any contrition.  horsemouth recognises this rage and frustration.

in general though horsemouth's strategy is to avoid people who want to play life's dramas turned up to 11. if someone annoys you or is rude to you move out of their way.  step to the side. both the wife and the husband had the chance to save themselves simply by moving away and embracing poverty and loneliness. for horsemouth passion is akin to madness. 

as he noted 6 years ago: 'horsemouth has more respect for self-control than he does for rage but he cannot always do it. he cannot always rein it in and yet he does.'

he respects people who can throw down. he's always found it difficult and he's never been any good at it. so he tries not to.  

if horsemouth is honest with you he is finding his life of leisure difficult (mind you he found working difficult as well).  this was the pattern last time he tried it. as long as he had (voluntary) work he was fine when he decided to give that up things became difficult. 

once again, and the thought has occurred to him before, horsemouth is thinking about getting shot of some tasks. he needs to complete his pre-retirement checklist (making sure he can get at all his savings would be number one). this will tell him how quickly he needs to move. 

as you can see his thinking is a bit inconsistent. 

today howard comes round to borrow the resonator. he has used it on one tune and likes the sound of it. (it does sound good horsemouth has to admit). horsemouth could have taken it out there but he thinks it is important to let howard get on with writing playing and singing the tunes to his own satisfaction without horsemouth sticking his oar in. if there is work for horsemouth to do on them (and there may not be) it is better if he does it later rather than earlier. this laissez-faire strategy may not work for all the tunes (but it will work for most of them). 

Friday 29 October 2021

books, films, gigs, events october 2021


  • reading capital (louis althusser, etienne balibar) - forward to the italian edition, the object of capital (introduction). 
  • goldberg: variations (gabriel josipovici) - read last essay to first. 
  • the art of the novel (milan kundera) - including 63 words
  • aesthetic theory (theodor adorno) - hullot-kentor's translator's introduction, gretel adorno and rolf tiedermann's editors afterward
  • fishing in utopia: sweden and the future that dissappeared (andrew brown) 
  • new edition of nlr - free articles, sidecar, lrb blogposts
  • immortality (milan kundera) 


  • hawkbinge podcast (quark, strangeness and charm
  • the rivals of sherlock holmes (dorrington, carnacki the ghost detective, klimo)
  • zappa documentary
  • the corpse vanishes  (bela lugosi)
  • a history of horror (mark gatiss - one of the league of gentlemen)
  • hammer vampires (documentary)
  • the werewolf versus the vampire woman (1971)  paul naschy 
  • the crimson bat (3 movies)
  • halloween 4 - the return of michael myers (donald pleasance earns his money)
  • halloween (the recent sequel - sucked)
  • ken burns' country music documentary on PBS
  • slaughter of the vampires (italo-horror 1962)
  • the quatermass experiment (1955)
  • frankenstein meets the wolfman (bela lugosi and bela lugosi jr.1943)


triple negative, harrga


walks to the velodrome/ international city  with TG, the reformation of PPE (peter, paul and enza), horsemouth is now a pensioner, walk up to walthamstow with john clarkson, beers with steve and with howard.

horsemouth just had his first bath in five years (he has been showering instead for the squeamish among you).


before the flood (lavazza red label)

horsemouth was dreaming. he didn't eat much yesterday so the dream was catered. ross was there (on the tube train), and on the keto diet, and therefore gave horsemouth the non-meat part of his meal (which seemed to be some kind of stodge with haricot beans in it that tasted kind of mustard-y (he does hope this is not a sign of covid)). before that horsemouth was having a conversation with someone else directly opposite him but then ross appeared on his right at the front of the carriage. 

horsemouth has published his end of october books, films, gigs, events list. 

this month there was a gig to report (triple negative, harrga), his reading continues to be a bit desultory but coloured by his interests (translation, textual variations, adorno, althusser - these are crazed marxists with an 'a' this time). with the films it's a solid diet of horror (with some samurai thrown in).  he suspects the next thing will be a bela lugosi season. 

a year ago. lucie was saving the day. the pandemic was accelerating up into the winter and the government were delaying locking down again.

today it is a rainy, grey day. horsemouth is on his second cup of coffee. the coffee beans have run out and it is time to have a negotiation with sten about whose turn it is to buy more. (theirs is a lavazza red label house). 

horsemouth has calmed down (after the excesses of the meeting of the communal endeavour and the business plan). mind you he still has to go and have a chat with martin. 

horsemouth is enthusiastic about the reformation of peter, paul and enza (assuming it happens - he's such a pessimist). really he is enthusiastic about getting tunes sung in other languages notably french (something enza can definitely do) and then there are pete's tunes (which are pretty memorable and decent) and then there's the opportunity to do something in a jazz/ cabaret kind of way (maybe he can get a version of je te veux up and running or a zandunga). 

Thursday 28 October 2021

ride on (and don't fall off) (peter, paul and enza reform)

oh dear. horsemouth has won his battle (and lost the war). 

there is a message there about knowing your limitations and getting round people to make sure they are on side early. 

today horsemouth will try and do some of the necessary tidying up. he will probably have to go and apologise to martin (not that he feels like it particularly but he recognises it as necessary).

the collective endeavour are now committed to taking something that is likely to be unpopular to a vote of the membership (who may well vote it down). at that point there will be an opportunity to discuss what they do want. the business plan is very much a work in progress. 

the meetings split between the people physically present and those on zoom are a disaster (in horsemouth's humble opinion). nothing of importance can be safely done in them. (this is part of the reason why horsemouth grew chickenshit at the vital moment). 

horsemouth thinks 100% zoom next time. 

he was also intrigued by someone who had a hand in writing the document abstaining when the time came to vote on it. this activated his spider senses. he thought he had done enough to keep the member onside (but clearly not). 

afterwards PPE (peter, paul and enza) went to the pub and reformed (so there's some good news). horsemouth liked to drink and at the end staggered back (pausing only to give directions to a polish dude and to get a falafel wrap). 

Wednesday 27 October 2021

'the half-arranged, half-spontaneous division of labour'

in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis many capital reading groups were set up. the young (in particular those radicalised by the student struggles) participated in them. people began to meet politically again. people wanted to understand how capitalism had come to be in crisis (by its own lights) and they wanted to posses a theory that would enable them to see a way forward.

in the end the balance of political forces was such that the poor and the young paid for the crisis by way of austerity and the rich merely got richer. the student movement turned out to be the high point and the moment passed.

let us look at another capital reading group to see how it fared. 

in early 1965 althusser, balibar, ranciere, macherey and establet sit down to read capital and comment on it, they all write papers and discuss them, a book is published lire le capital  in two volumes incorporating papers from all of them. 

'in the half-arranged, half-spontaneous division of labour which presided over the organisation of this collective study of capital, it fell to me to discuss marx's relation to his work...'

althusser and his allies wanted to move marx onto a firm philosophical footing, one he argues is there already if we could but teach ourselves to see it, for it is there already but not explicitly formulated. 

'I close this forward with the conclusion that, if I have replaced the original project for this paper, which was intended to deal with marx's relation to his work, with a second project dealing with the peculiar object of capital, this was quite necessary... these reasons may be invisible to us at first glance... like all radical innovations they are blinding.' - reading capital, introduction to part II, the object of capital, louis althusser, 1965. 

as we can see the object of capital has replaced althusser's original object (even to the extent of retroactively (as if)  becoming the title of the section). he is giving us the method in microcosm, a lesson to be attentive to the shifting of objects of the text (for example between the object of the classical economists and the object of capital). 

this shifting of objects in the text horsemouth took to be quite derridean but it is also like the episteme in foucault. but what does he know?

and yet the half-arranged, half-spontaneous division of labour in the capital reading group that althusser speaks of is already such a changing object.

for  then an edition with only althusser and balibar's texts (and those altered) is produced, in part 'in order to allow the book to be produced in a smaller format'. althusser argues that nothing has changed between the object the text of althusser, balibar, ranciere, macherey and establet and the object of the text of althusser and balibar alone (and even these have endured some re-writing). 

just think about that. this would indeed be an astonishing achievement, 

the logo of new left books (who published the english translation of althusser and balibar's book and later go on to become verso books) is by ken garland and is a highly abstracted tower of babel (ok it can be objected it is in fact the soviet avant-garde version of this, an ascending helix displaced from the vertical). 

the althusserian project (like the tower of babel) falls apart. the events of 68 happen and instead of trying to reform the PCF (the french communist party) people start to route round it. they do this via the philosophy of foucault, derrida, deleuze, in maoism (and the later in a return of many french leftists to reactionary social positions).  and yet these positions, these new philosophies, are marked by althusserianism. 

horsemouth's reading of all of this is unhealthily framed by derrida's spectres of marx and his subsequent reading of the thoroughly disgruntled ranciere. (the others seem to have reconciled themselves to it). horsemouth's understanding of the basic marxist categories is not strong enough to permit him to understand fully what is at stake, similarly his understanding althusser's concepts is not strong. 

further he is not convinced that even if althusser had been able to make his project work he could have swung the great institutional weight of the PCF round to more radical positions or that this would have made any worthwhile difference to the outcome of 68. in fact horsemouth subscribes to the new left belief that it is necessary to re-found the marxist project away from the old communist parties. 

he tends to read it all as a literary adventure. he likes the suggestiveness  of althusser's writing, the tragic  sorcerer's apprentice nature of the story.


yesterday horsemouth was listening to a demo CD for musicians of bremen volume one (with some of b-sides thrown in).

the golden one (folk) then I'm sad and I'm lonely. he was on a hunt through the demoed up tracks for unreleased musicians of bremen. the hidden musicians of bremen that people do not know is there. 

today horsemouth goes for a walk with TG. then he goes for a meeting of the communal endeavour (he hasn't seen people for a long time he wants to go for a beer after).  thursday there was a plan for him to go over to howard's to do some recording (for it is half-term) but on the whole horsemouth thinks it is better to let howard get on with it on his own - howard is particular, it will not do to shift the object from under him. (conversely there may be tracks for which the shifting of the object is the precondition for their productivity). later thursday howard is off to stick in the wheel (horsemouth doesn't think he will be going). 

at the weekend samhain (halloween). the clocks do something strange. horsemouth will produce an end of month books, films, gigs, events list. 

Tuesday 26 October 2021

horsemouth has submitted (he has handed in)

horsemouth has submitted. (he has handed in). he's happy(ish).

wednesday he goes to present it (into the echoing void that is a poorly curated zoom meeting). it reads ok. he's reasonably proud of himself. (it is the correct mix of cautious and boosterish). he has done enough to keep a loose canon onside (but they're not the only one). 

kundera praises messaein and the aion (additive time). on the common a collie runs in a circle chasing its own tail and barking furiously. 'they're all bloody mad.' remarks the owner. 

yesterday (a year ago) the fall of the house of fitzgerald arrived. CATASTRO/fille came up and visited. they watched it through together a few times. horsemouth pronounces himself delighted. it has moments. later they released it on the world via youtube. horsemouth often thinks it would be good to get it shown at some film festivals or such like.  

he has some new photos to share as a result of his saturday round at howard's. howard has a new camera and they were trying it out.  the ones in b&w came out well (decently creepy). 

Monday 25 October 2021

'things omitted from a work and added as a supplement'

it is the anniversary of folkways releasing michael hurley's first album first songs. now hurley is still going.

having begun writing aesthetic theory on 4th may 1961 adorno had taken a pause to write negative dialectics. on 25th october 1966 he recommenced work on aesthetic theory. his last dated text was written 15th july 1969.

and then he died. and his widow (gretel adorno) and associate (rolf tiedeman) were left to pull the text together. this involved the creation of a paralipomena,  a grab bag of text fragments some of which might be migrated into the text proper but most of which are destined to remain in the paralipomena itself  ('things omitted from a work and added as a supplement'  is a more eloquent description than the one horsemouth achieved). to horsemouth it retains the image of a fatty stuffing (lipo - mena) but he's probably misreading it.

there are things that form a part of the experience of the musical object that are not the musical object itself - the packaging for example, album covers etc. or the following track of the particular track that the listener will subsequently hear in his minds ear following it when the particular track comes to an end. 

and then there were the modern deluxe editions of albums with additional tracks. 

today horsemouth will be writing and editing, attempting, with some humour, to fit some proposed clarifications inside a text clearly counter to their purpose. as to the ordering of the priorities he will propose handling this with a vote. because he will be writing other things horsemouth will probably keep this post quite short, or he may decide to run away to the woods with it (seeing as he would rather be writing pleasant doodles than texts of consequence). 


and in other definitions:

'graphomania: ...a mania to write books, to have a public of unknown readers.' (milan kundera, sixty three words)

'european: one who is nostalgic for europe.' (milan kundera, sixty three words).

horsemouth is dealing (or not dealing) with the consequences of his excess of temper saturday morning. horsemouth is great until he gets tired (and then his judgement goes to shit). there were a number of points where a better result could have been achieved. horsemouth is the kind of person who cannot get angry without getting resentful  that he has been made to get angry. 

when montaigne retired he did not experience joy but instead a period of intense difficulty. 

if horsemouth is genuinely attempting to get mobile he needs to get on and sell/ give away some books. 

Sunday 24 October 2021

a day in the life of horsemouth (a tale in three parts).

and the first word is?

the first word is disaster. his plan nearly works (but then it crashes and burns). 

from whence horsemouth stomps off in high dudgeon into the carnage that is the seaside towns rapid mass transit system. half way there (where? to howard's) he discovers that the key tube lines are closed for maintenance - he has to get the jubilee to canning town and get a bus. 

the self-same bus clanks slowly though the streets of east london approaching howard's (and more particularly the pub by the park with pizza) from an indeterminable direction. 

the second word is drink. horsemouth and howard are soon drinking beer and eating pizza (this helps take the edge off). they don't make it out into the beer garden but they do sit in a quiet corner and horsemouth has a moan. the bar is playing an unsatisfying jazzy, house-y, funky kind of music. 

they retire from the pub back to howard's (and play hugh masakela's don't go lose it baby, manu dibango's soul makossa, rebop kwaku bah (and the unknown cases') masimbabelle). they fiddle around with a few of howard's songs and then switch to playing more acoustic guitar things. 

thereafter horsemouth throws himself out of the door by bus to manor park, then train to stratford and overground to dalston. he went  to see matthew's band triple negative and a lot who are new to him harrga. 

outside he meets his walking friend TG and they chat. matthew, anja and denis arrive. they're all good, they play (which is great) and then harrga play (and they're great, TG gets up to dance, horsemouth has a lyric sheet somewhere). afterwards they chat. horsemouth and TG bail early from the post-gig chat and walk home.

ok horsemouth will have to put some work into recovering his position from his fit of temper yesterday. he also indulged in too much risky behaviour, a hug here, a going into a crowded room unmasked there. 

Saturday 23 October 2021

porto novo (horsemouth rededicates himself to the work)

so today is not the anniversary of the recording of porto novo by marion brown (as horsemouth was planning to tell you it was). 

last night the zappa documentary was on tv - horsemouth enjoyed it - he remembers the stoners in the 80ies telling him that zappa mainly thought of himself as a composer - horsemouth just assumed this was a pose to differentiate himself from the herd of guitar heroes (which was how horsemouth understood musical endeavour). to his recollection the stoners were genuinely interested in zappa's musico-aesthetic project, horsemouth just wanted to be a filthy hippy (but he was at least a generation too late).

when zappa's daughter moon unit gets frank a hit by taking the acetates of valley girl down to the local radio station she is invalidating one of his arguments about how this cannot be done anymore, the one that because the music industry has become so integrated that getting a local hit has become impossible as there is only one point of entry MTV. no one seems much bothered by this.

today is however the anniversary of the release of the third horsemouth selected/ howard mixed golden glow mix of the five they have made so far. one of his mixes has in a relatively short period of time passed 100 listens (this is good horsemouth is pleased).

the weather is crap. in theory horsemouth is off to see howard (or howard is coming to see him) today and later there is a triple negative gig. in theory there is a babysitting gig also in the morning (with a library visit) and then some child transportation. phew horsemouth was just getting that booked up with his dodgy old phone dying on him in the middle of it.

horsemouth is more than mildly agoraphobic and tends to see potential conflict everywhere he goes. he is therefore trying to work out how to bail on various of the day's activities. he has also slept poorly. 

furthermore horsemouth is clumping about in big boots (his scarpa trainers have finally bitten the dust the soles having worn clean through) and this makes journeys extra tiring.    

Friday 22 October 2021

in which the sleepwalking characters confess their thoughts and feelings

 'who shall I remember (in the turning wheel of time)'

horsemouth doesn't get it. it's a friday but he hasn't been awakened by the bin lorries. 

last night horsemouth attempted to watch the 2018 remake of halloween, but it was dull and it was on late too (well past his bedtime). 

earlier he had watched two movies in the crimson bat  series - which is kind of like zatoichi but with a woman. she wants to settle down (but being a bounty hunter/ assassin/ serial murderess rather puts paid to that). it doesn't have the genius of lady snowblood but it has its moments. with the fabrics, the houses, the scenery it looks amazing. 

he read milan kundera's the art of the novel. which goes quickly. it's an engaging read. the broch horsemouth has never read (musil, kafka, hasek, gombrowicz yeah yeah yeah) - he should probably have taken john up on his offer of a visit to skoob bookshop where he could have picked up a copy of the trilogy  (for an arm and a leg). 

having listened to musicians of bremen volume three yesterday horsemouth thought he'd take a crack at volume four

for horsemouth amárach is the standout track. (said a-MORE-uck and meaning tomorrow). howard wrote this one (uke, vocals, keyboard, clapping). horsemouth is still amazed he was involved in making something so beautiful.  he plays the resonator tuned standard and does his best ali farka toure impression. horsemouth did a couple of takes of the guitar and howard chopped them down to what you hear.  

here horsemouth plays you a version without the keyboard and with more of the guitars before they were cut down. 

Thursday 21 October 2021

on 'that there are always things you would do differently if you had your time again' (sun in aquarius)

yesterday horsemouth had a nice day hanging round the house doing fuck all and feeling reasonably healthy. (loving the sunshine). 

horsemouth listened to sun in aquarius by pharoah sanders (recorded 20th october 1969) which manages to unite free improv skronk with soul jazz (and inspire larks tongues in aspic allegedly). 

he also listened to musicians of bremen volume three - which he hasn't done in a while - it stands up remarkably well he feels. there are of course always things you would do differently if you had your time again (but not too many) and conversely there are always pleasant little surprises where it all comes together in a way you didn't expect, the ukulele fanfare at the start of her hair like some glistening gold, the whole of Serpent(S) and on the banks of the susquenhanna (thanks howard)

horsemouth: 'his hideous howl a dirge of death'.

of course he is having his time again because what he is listening to is a recording. meanwhile the 'current' beastie volume four  is out in the world building horsemouth and howard's reputations.  

only love can break your heart and oh dear lots of people are getting it in the chest right about now. horsemouth has not been out dancing (as it were) in a while (his cowardice has saved him).  horsemouth has been staying in (as you know) trying not to die, trying not to let the fucking government kill him. 

horsemouth contemplates a gig in february. hell he contemplates triple negative playing cafe OTO at the weekend.  

today the weather looks shit. last night more of the crimson bat and a documentary on the attempt to storm the capitol. now that was a strange moment (can you believe that actually happened?). what the cops (and the demonstrators) did not do, in a consistent fashion, was pull out their guns and start blasting. instead we have a riot. people are beaten half to death (and then they are handed back over to their team). 

afterwards. post traumatic stress, suicides, recoveries. 

Wednesday 20 October 2021

horsemouth (returned to health allegedly) considers loading on the tasks

horsemouth is up. he's had half of his necessary cup of coffee. he's got his diary out (to assist with his failing memory).

'can a supernatural presence miss its aim?' 

so asks william hope hodgson's carnacki the ghost detective in the episode the horse of the invisible.  he asks this in the form of donald pleasance (so there are echoes of dr.loomis). there is also an electrical pentacle (kind of a heath-robinsonian devil rides out kind of moment involving salt still but improved with electricity). even the new technology of photography becomes haunted. 

now this is an important question for the followers of the spectres of marx - the mystical kernel cannot be expunged and marxism remains haunted, in a curiously doubled vision, by the world to come. 

horsemouth had earlier used the name the horses of the invisible for his duo gig with peter holmgren. two years later peter and horsemouth would form part of the trio peter, paul and enza  with enza. they would play johnny's farewell gig - and play a version of johnny leyton's johnny remember me (where the ghost of the beloved calls on johnny to remember her). 

in their version (the lyrics re-written by CATASTRO/fille and enza) it became a hymn to the working organisation. 

RIP delbert mckay (ngoni). one of the singers with misty in roots. their 1979 live at the counter eurovision was for many of horsemouth's friends a key record. horsemouth finds it almost perfect. early on they were involved (like punk band the ruts) in the southall people unite music collective. later they would go to live and work in zimbabwe and zambia.  

there's an element of josipovici's goldberg. variations that's about insomnia. now horsemouth has recent experience of this and this is rare (he normally sleeps like a log). he felt thoroughly wacked out, unable to be fully awake and unable to be fully asleep unable to get comfortable. there again (in variations) there is an echo to written language (a doubling). 

enough of this uncanny maundering. this hauntology. 

later still horsemouth watched a little of scarlet bat - this time a blind female swordswoman  makes her way around japan. 

today horsemouth should hand something in so it can go out and be rewritten. as usual he has written something that addresses a different question to the one actually raised (isn't this always so). he's supposed to get in a walk with TG. thursday a gas safety check. at the weekend the anniversary of the release of on of horsemouth and howard's the golden glows and of the recording of the first side of marion brown's porto novo. 

Tuesday 19 October 2021

horsemouth (if not entirely returned to health) at least on his way

 this is how he feels. 

horsemouth had his first bath in five years (he has been showering instead for the squeamish among you). wow. such luxury. such excess. 

horsemouth also has a hot water bottle. this means he no longer has to understand how to get the central heating on and the radiator in his room to give out a decent amount of heat in order to stay warm. (in the early stages of the complaint staying warm seemed to be the big problem). he has passed a night with no great disruption of his sleep and awakes refreshed (if cautious about his middles) to face the day.

and a grey day it is. super-rubbish. normal service is being resumed. 

horsemouth has been reading gabriel josipovici's goldberg. variations  backwards, that is last story to first, as he has told you before. it is something he does if he feels a reluctance to read a book. in theory many books approach their end by re-incorporation, the characters and conflicts that were brought into play at the start of the drama are gradually cancelled out and brought into relation until we have a moment of closure. the moment of closure is acknowledged and then the book is over. 

similarly at the beginning. we must be shown the world without necessarily being able to see all of it...  and then the business of introducing the characters and commencing their conflicts must begin. 

in theory then he should derive the benefit of the relations between chapters (even if not in the order or perhaps manner that the author intended). 

horsemouth subscribes to the big gang - period of activity - cosmic crunch theory of the novel. 

horsemouth may have a gig for february (if indeed fenris has not eaten the sun, if such things are still prudent or indeed even possible by then). he should try and run up some new material for it. the only new thing he added to his set for weirdshire (his only gig of 2021) was karen dalton's something's on your mind,  he would have added high-rise strutter's ball but it was a hot day and he couldn't face taking the banjolin. 

over the years of the pandemic horsemouth did not get up to much musically. much of the material for musicians of bremen volume four had been demoed or recorded the year before. the guitar part for amarach, the bassline on dark was the day, these were probably the last things horsemouth did before the lockdown hit. instead he got on with things with CATASTRO/fille and enza - the fall of the house of fitzgerald, his voice over for poplarism, some as yet unreleased musical recordings.

howard invited him out for beer and a pizza over the weekend (but he couldn't go because he was being ill). today horsemouth will try and get on with various things, not the least of it will be finishing off (getting to the start of) goldberg. variations. 

phew. at least he's feeling better. now a careful bowl of museli. 

Monday 18 October 2021

well this is really most incovenient (traveller's moon)

 well horsemouth is still ill (at least he was last night). 

there was the dream of the four kids in the college bar. three girls and a skinny importuning dude, vaguely sinister. one of the girls had a skateboard. at some point the guy asked if he could borrow horsemouth's bag - the guy wondered if the bar was open. later horsemouth became worried that his bag had been stolen. the expresso bar owner had found it. horsemouth can't remember if it had been cleaned out or not. it was kind of like a nouvelle vague movie.

horsemouth simply can't get comfortable. he can't get or stay warm enough and even if he does it doesn't matter because what feels cold is his stomach and he needs a way of directing heat into his stomach (like a hot water bottle horsemouth?). the heat provides relief from mild cramps. the best way with it so far is to get under a hot shower.

nonetheless by dint of frequent showers moving out of his bed (uncomfortable and in a draught) moving upstairs onto the living room sofa (warmer and more comfortable). moving back downstairs  and getting out one of the camping mats. he succeeded in getting a good(ish) night's sleep

horsemouth has been reading gabriel josipovici's goldberg. variations  backwards (that is last story to first). he's nearly at the beginning.  this is something he does if at first he experiences a resistance to reading the book (he did it with practicalities a while ago). there is, in a book that contains much writing about writers, some discussion of writing. 

'the bespoke recording apparatus that milman parry took to yugoslavia in the summer of 1935 – manufactured by sound specialties inc of waterbury, connecticut, it had two turntables and a toggle for switching instantaneously between them,,,'

milman parry was on a recording trip (the record decks were being used to record long stories and so had to be capable of being switched instantaneously between two) to discover the oral sources of homer (kind of like the situation in the file on H). 

today horsemouth will go to the chemists (if not the doctor's) and try and find somewhere that will sell him a hot water bottle. he may ask around in the house (it sounds like something someone must have). 

Sunday 17 October 2021

still ill

despite his confident prognostications of yesterday horsemouth still seems to be ill. he tried eating very little - a small coffee, yoghurt, some orange juice, some biscuits, but it all gives him stomach pain and makes him feel nauseous. he is not out of the woods yet. 

the thing that does seem to work is taking a hot shower. horsemouth thought having the heating on would help (but it doesn't seem to do very much - except cheer him up). 

its a sunday so under normal circumstances horsemouth would not be doing very much anyway. 

Saturday 16 October 2021

the continuing tale of horsemouth's malady

so after a poor night of sleep horsemouth eventually managed to get comfortable and get in some shut eye.  horsemouth had great problems in getting warm and staying warm. eventually he decided that the way forward was several hot showers (as usual by sods law he could not get the bath to work which would have been a better solution).

he has just tried an experimental half-cup of coffee we shall see if that stays down or causes him discomfort.

those of you who know horsemouth will know that he is remarkably unsympathetic to the sick and people in pain there is a seeming defect in his imagination at this point. all that is except for himself - at the slightest sign of anything horsemouth becomes a raging hypochondriac. 

on the whole other than his lungs horsemouth has remarkably robust health (considering). there have even been times when he was fit (but not lately).

the gut-ache has been brought on by horsmouth eating a container of out of date guacamole (so ladies and gentlemen he does not deserve  your sympathy)  or so he suspects. it might have been a tin of (undercooked) red kidney beans it might have been something else. 

it might just be the legendary 'vomiting disease of winter'. 

horsemouth wishes it would stop so he could return to his usual existential angst and boredom. 

of course what would help right now would be a good book. but strangely horsemouth can't fins a single one he wants to read in his extensive collection. 

Friday 15 October 2021

horsemouth poisoned

well the first half of yesterday went well. (a shopping mission) but then horsemouth succumbed to gut ache. his stomach hurt and he simply could not get warm. eventually he realised he could heat up his midsection by using the laptop. 

horsemouth rarely poisons himself (well except for hangovers and even those are reducing in number and intensity from his youth). he made a number of attempts to throw up whatever it was that was afflicting him. 

today horsemouth will be gingerly feeding himself in an attempt to restore his digestive health. since the beginning of the pandemic he has been living on a rather restricted diet. he will take more time and care over his eating. 

ok horsemouth will let you know how his recovery goes. 

Thursday 14 October 2021

when political satire becomes obsolete again...

and so to matt han(d)cock recently appointed UN special envoy to help covid recovery in africa. 

in the words of tom lehrer on the moment when henry kissinger received the nobel peace prize, 

'political satire became obsolete'.

to the africans horsemouth apologises for his fellow countryman and urges them not to believe a single word he says. he's just a fucking useless clown. and he's been sent because the government of horsemouth's country doesn't give a shit about you. the world's best hope in defeating covid lies with COVAX and vaccinating as many people as possible but it's not a priority for the UK government (clearly). 

last night horsemouth watched the comic strip which was a satirical comedy show when he was a teenager (this and the young ones). it had to be prefaced by a warning about unsuitable depictions. in a way this is a measure of the success of the social changes that right thinking people wanted to see but it didn't feel like that at the time - it just felt like a solid diet of defeat (which was what in fact it was). 

horsemouth also watched the werewolf versus the vampire woman (1971) which now gives him a list of spanish paul naschy el hombre lobo horror movies to look into. 

horsemouth's labour force participation rate is now zero. he is no longer engaged in making money for the capitalists. nor engaged in enabling society to reproduce itself, sadly this means he also no longer making money for himself. 

capitalism is having recruitment problems (largely because they have de-skilled the workforce and pay them peanuts) and it is tempting to assume this is some sign of the working class refusing the rigged poker game that is work but even if it is they will soon be back at work because they need the money. except that capitalism (post crisis) will probably shake down to a lower level of activity. 

the theory in boltanski and chiapello's the new culture of capitalism is that capitalism moved away from corporate culture towards a more experimental, entrepreneurial approach to attract back the cadre of young would be managers and capitalists post 68. perhaps we will see this again, with capitalism putting on its caring sharing ecological mask and rebalancing itself so it is less blatantly exploitative. maybe.  

yesterday, purely by luck, it just happens to be pharoah sanders' birthday. horsemouth went with  greetings to saud (brother mccoy tyner) by pharoah having played harvest time earlier.  

today the photos will surface from horsemouth's friday the 13th gig in the oranges and lemons church four(?) years ago. he thanks max for inviting him to play. 

Wednesday 13 October 2021

horsemouth is better off out of it

horsemouth has passed 100 listens to his mixcloud session of 9 months ago (this was why howard texted him at 7am - ok 07:04:57). normally they take a lot longer to get to a 100 (more like 4 years). as usual horsemouth has no idea why. 

horsemouth will now give it a listen to see if he can detect any magic formula.

it starts with a very witchy lena platonos then one of those terrifying things with children singing by ennio morricone from a dario argento horror film (could be a christmas single).  then richard and mimi farina do a great dulcimer and percussion thing until we get to linda perhacs chimicum rain and then pharoah sanders' mighty harvest time.

his follow up mix is also doing well at 58 listens in 4 months - they both feature stills from the fall of the house of fitzgerald which has a slightly sun ra-ish vibe (maybe that's it). 

in other digital news horsemouth had a look at what selling his books might bring him - he had to laugh,  being and time (martin heidegger) would have raised 44p on now horsemouth has a lot of books but obviously if he's selling them at a rate of 23p for machiavelli's the discourses it's going to take a rucksack just to make the rent for a week. the records and CDs he hasn't looked at. 

nonetheless if he's going to get mobile he needs to have a serious book purge (and possibly more than one). it's a shame. he likes his room (he's got it just how he would like it) - lots of books, lots of natural wood, lots of guitars, carpets. he's going to have to gaffer tape the windows shut soon (winter is coming). he has time to sort it out. he still has his redundancy cheque and the advance on his pension. 

horsemouth is now a pensioner - the works pension that he can take early because he was made redundant over the age of 55 has started arriving (though at the rate of £50 a month it will probably only keep him in beer). all horsemouth has to do is survive until the age of 67 and then the state pension will kick in and... er. he'll be poor (again). 

'the enforced downtime of the pandemic caused many of us to reassess our attitudes to work'

horsemouth recognises he is on a privileged position. he was born into the west and into the middle classes during the post-war period of sustained prosperity and growth. if, like the sweden of brown's book, the egalitarian dream died to be replaced by a shoddy mean spirited neo-liberalism, then at least horsemouth always got by. horsemouth has no children. he is ultimately free to suit himself. during the pandemic itself he was alternately furloughed or working from home and ultimately he was working a job that provided auto-enrolment on a works pension and a redundancy cheque.  

this of course was, and is, not most people's experience of the pandemic. they have had to keep working at face to face jobs throughout, keep travelling into work by public transport and at the end of it many face redundancy (or just the plain sack) as patterns of work are changed. the crises (brexit and covid) demand the capitalists restructure and they will because they must. many people were employed because the state was picking up part of the wages bill through in-work benefits (to create the illusion of grinding poverty - horsemouth jokes), if the state is less willing to do this then those jobs will go and the choice between (over)work and a grimmer poverty will become even more stark. 

a few wage rises in a few sectors does not prosperity make. 

horsemouth is better off out of it, he opines. 

Tuesday 12 October 2021

horsemouth the polyglot

good morning! good morning! horsemouth is up. it looks like a grey dull day (but yesterday turned out pretty decent so who knows). 

horsemouth lay out on the front steps (it's a bit of a sun trap) barefoot in a t-shirt and rolled up trouser legs and read. he was reading fishing in utopia: sweden and the future that disappeared by andy brown. now because this is a fishing book horsemouth picked it up thinking sten might like it, but then because it looked an easy read he thought he might read it himself.

horsemouth has no interest in the fishing. what he is interested in is the background and the languages. brown speaks swedish to the point where in his younger years he thinks several of the areas in his life entirely in it (later when he returns he is flustered by how much facility he has lost). but even then he speaks it well enough to pick up local dialect and to recognise it as non-standard.

'they deregulated everything, and it all went to hell.' says one of the locals of the years while he was away. curiously horsemouth thinks you could write the same book about south wales - the ending of industry, the arrival of neo-liberalism etc. 

horsemouth has always been fascinated by people who can speak more than one language - languages are such complicate things that he is always impressed when people can manage it at all. for this reason he is never rude about people's english because, even at his best, horsemouth sounds like an idiot in french. he once managed a conversation (well - a couple of lines) with the mother of a hotel owner in portuguese, you must be italian she said because the english can't speak portuguese. 

but take modern greek for example - it makes no sense at all to him  when he hears it - and while he is in a good position right now to learn some italian he never seems to make progress with it. 

horsemouth laments not having put more effort into learning foreign languages over the years (his accent is usually decent his grammar non existent). 

he can acquire the vocabulary because these are latin based languages).  we live in the ruins of a giant empire with one vocabulary that has diverged and standardised round habits of speech and spelling so when horsemouth looks at text from france, spain, portugal, italy, rumania, catalunya he can often guess what he is looking at. for some reason he cannot make the same adjustment with gaelic or welsh (but maybe it's just lack of practice lack of texts in different languages about the same or similar topics). 

in the 90ies when he travelled horsemouth would be sitting on the plane with a phrase book trying to learn the phrases to book a hotel room because there was no internet and there was no booking ahead. when he was in czech and poland he managed ok (mostly) people were friendly and helpful.

brits are legendarily lazy about learning languages but they have no excuse really. while one half of the english language is derived from latin or french the other half is derived from german, danish dutch, scandewegian (thank you our esteemed viking friends). but the brits are terrible at learning these also. 

horsemouth sticks out (like a sore thumb as the british say) by being interested in this stuff (but just because he's interested in this stuff it doesn't mean he's any good at it).

he has made various efforts over the years to sing songs in french (je te veux) and spanish (a la luna yo mi voy). this requires him to know the lyrics better in the target language than for english lyrics (because there is no making it up if you forget).  his first attempt to sing a la luna he gets the lyrics wrong (but he'd do a much better job now because enza found the lyrics online he now knows what words he is supposed to be singing and this is a big help). 

before he was sunbathing horsemouth was posting off a musicians of bremen volume four CD to someone who'd purchased the download online and requested a physical CD. horsemouth is happy to do this for UK and europe destinations (just let him know). if you want your musicians of bremen further afield please send them a message beforehand so horsemouth can check the cost. 

today horsemouth is doing interest rate sensitivity calculations - how much more do you have to pay for every 1% the interest rates go up. 

Monday 11 October 2021

in which we lurch from crisis to crisis (the harms of writing)

'the fragment is the intrusion of death into the work.' - theodor adorno aesthetic theory,  as quoted by gretel adorno and rolf tiedermann in their editors' afterward. 

horsemouth has clonked himself in the eye (well rather on the eye socket). he will go up and inspect the damage in a bit. other than that it is a perfectly fine morning and sunday passed off without incident. 

he has been reading andrew brown's book fishing in utopia: sweden and the future that disappeared. now brown (the son of a diplomat based in sweden in his youth) eventually marries young, to a swedish girl,  and he settles down to a life of poverty - working in a sawmill, fishing, long winters, and living and thinking mostly in swedish. 

except he doesn't entirely, he buys a typewriter and begins clanking out english prose. his journalism is published in a few other places but mainly he writes for the spectator,  he is sucked into that maelstrom of self-regard. 

it is characteristic of horsemouth that he is not interested in brown's fly-fishing, the lure and bait of this memoir, his still spot out on the water, but rather in the book as a writing memoir. because the course of things is not smooth brown is compelled to reveal the harms of writing. 

he would often write on the train and he writes well of the joy and mania that writing induces.

'... sometimes there would be far more. I would sit there with a sense that great waves of understanding were breaking inside me and the hissing and bubbling foam spread luxuriously over the whole world. there was nothing that I could not write, nothing that I could not see or understand...

from where he is now he can see himself clearly back then.  

'all this ebullience was tethered to the knowledge that someone in london cared what I thought... there were competent people who liked my jokes, and who shared my dislocation from the universe.  the magazine did not seem at home anywhere in the world, and I liked that. it guaranteed the safety of perpetual exile. to have no roots in the world meant that one could float over anywhere in it, like the inhabitants of swift's flying island, and call down advice or abuse on the peasants below. this suited my temperament. less and less seemed real to me on the ground where I was living.' 

the marriage will break up. he will return to england and become a journalist for the independent. the sweden he knew of militant egalitarianism and conformism will die when olaf palme is murdered, and with the financial crisis. 

that's roughly as far as horsemouth has got with it. he's about half way through. he should persevere. 

meanwhile (lest we should be able to forget) in other news of great things the spectator has given us we have the boris johnson government. 

'we lurch from crisis to crisis while serenely maintaining a poll lead.' say the tories to themselves as if in shock, as if in wonder at the suspension of political gravity. 

someone has reviewed horsemouth's guitar online (the washburn OR6CE oscar schmidt resonator). 

'to me, this (guitar) sounded marginally better than a plastic toy'. (ouch!)

now. horsemouth has always liked this guitar (well he didn't so much at first but it really grew on him). it does have a distinctive sound (and not everyone likes it) but it does record well. you either like it or you don't shrugs horsemouth, for the money it's rocking.  

yesterday howard called round. 

they drank about a bottle of beer each in total. there was no pizza (horsemouth is out of pizza and howard had eaten already). the hohner has gone back to howard's to give him a sweeter guitar  to further improve his fingerpicking on (he's pretty fucking good already). now that guitar really does have a pretty tone. horsemouth now has his two prettiest guitars (the laramie and the resonator) out on display and ready to play. everything else (the two classical guitars, the guild dreadnaught) is bagged up. 

howard has a whole tranche of new songs ready to go (probably an album's worth) and good they are too. heaven knows when he will get round to recording them (such is the nature of the world).

so much for horsemouth's writing for the day. from where he is now can he see himself clearly?

well he's bored (and a little stressed). he has to finish writing the thing he promised. and eventually he will find out if it is good enough to do what it needs to do. he is resistant to his task and he needs to step up his game. 

Sunday 10 October 2021

on a ragga tip

ring ring 7am (but no alarm clock).

and horsemouth is up strangely early. 

he had a dream about the national rave museum located in modern accommodation. he was visiting it for the second time when on a ragga tip by SL2 came on. horsemouth dashes in determined to rave it up and at that moment sees jonny and denise and dave etc. all getting up to dance. (celebration ensues). 

yesterday childminding (mind that child). his charge developed a tummy ache and threw up (that was a little concerning but horsemouth could detect no sign of fever and having thrown up the child cheered up). other than that all went well. curiously the weather, having started foggy and overcast, cleared up into a beautiful warm and bright day. 

last night on tv (but sadly on a channel horsemouth cannot access) the poly styrene documentary I am a cliche.  there's a bit where poly gets a skinhead before the rock against racism festival in victoria park in 78 and this is usually taken to be an indication of her mental instability but horsemouth thinks this is just GENIUS. she subsumes and incorporates the racist skinhead enemy at the level of fashion (she makes the THEM me). he saw it together with white riot (a film about rock against racism and the festival) in hereford where it was put on by his friend richard wildhare. 

a friend (who grew up in hackney) went to the festival. 

everett morton the drummer of the beat has died. horsemouth finds just about everything they ever did awesome. it was the kind of band where a pop song as irrepressible as best friend can be put on the back burner. 

all of these tracks show genius as horsemouth sees it. 

grey day outside. horsemouth got up in darkness but now there's obviously light leaking onto the face of the planet from somewhere. 

back in 2014 horsemouth would regularly spend his time on public transport desecrating a copy of the stock-pickers' freesheet city am with the various pens he needed for work. torygraph columnist allistair heath was their class act and every day in his column he would proclaim the genius of unfettered free-market capitalism (this, after the financial crash of 2008, struck horsemouth as a hard thing to sell). in this particular 'desecration' horsemouth has rendered allistair as the grim reaper  and with the byline of Allis death. 

er. today? horsemouth does not know. probably a walk around. no significant anniversaries to be contended with. 

Saturday 9 October 2021

the fabulous synthetic monks of lisbon

such was the line in the dream when the alarm went off. horsemouth's starts had moved to 8am (now that he is a creature of leisure) but the day requires him to be up earlier (so here he is). 

now that he thinks of it it would make an excellent dr. who episode, gothic goings on at a monastery in lisbon, cue synthesizer music and the reveal of the hand of a monk showing its synthetic nature as it is up to something nefarious (bessie, various elavadors, pombals central grid, an evil plan to re-enact the earthquake. the doctor subject to the inquisition, a young clerk/writer called fernando pessoa). 

last night horsemouth watched bela lugosi in the corpse vanishes (classic universal horror - plucky reporter battles strangely accented european professor, expert on orchids and husband of nutjob countess, yes there is a dwarf, a mute strongman and a gypsy mother living in the basement). 

he also heard from comic book illustrator and author  matt boyce from far off oxford. horsemouth has promised to post him a CD of volume four. in his radioactive future mutant  the world has ended (but people are still going down the pub) - does that sound familiar?  one of the topics of conversation was the 'new' john coltrane album (and later the alice coltrane ashram singers). 

today horsemouth and the tiny violins. perhaps a chance to read. condensation on the inside of the windows. it's grey out but not supposed to be so bad later on.  

horsemouth has been reprieved (well by two hours). he is using the time to drink a cup of tea, eat a bowl of museli and check the newspapers.  he will have to check this gives him enough time to get where he is going.  

Friday 8 October 2021

covid, brexit and whatever they could remember (get out of that one horsemouth)

horsemouth (as you know) has a tendency to say yes to more beer. last night he went out for beers with steve. (steve works in IT). steve still has work but his workplace has evapourated (that's one cost gone) leaving only team building events.  nonetheless (based on his bike rides through it) he says the city seems to be warming up again.  

as usual their topics were covid, brexit and whatever they could remember from their science degrees way back. horsemouth will pass over this last topic in silence because it is not of general interest. 

on covid steve was wondering if it was not in fact the russian flu that rampaged about the world in about 1890. out in the town nobody was wearing masks. it seems to horsemouth (110 people a day) a shocking level of death to be sanguine about. and yet that level of infection and death seems strangely low to horsemouth now (even though it simultaneously looks high to him). people seem to be willing themselves to ignore it. 

that said horsemouth was up the pub, he did have a conversation with a stranger at the bar (about his 16 year old dog), and afterwards he did go for a falafel wrap. they sat outside (as a concession to safety). only one of the bar staff  seemed to be wearing a mask. 

now on the topic of brexit and immigration steve and horsemouth disagree - but they can agree on the manifest failure of the census to find all the people and thus ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to meet their needs. this is a case where the government profits from not finding the people. 

now horsemouth wants low paid work to be well paid work, he wants people lifted out of poverty, he finds it ironic that business are being whipped by the tories to fix the low pay problem that they didn't create, or rather they were obliged to create by the invisible hand of the market in a market formed as a result of government policies. truly in politics there is no such thing as gratitude. 

are the tories having a lexit? of course not.

boris's rhetoric is always a bit random - this fairy story of a high-skill, high-wage economy pulled effortlessly out of the present like a rabbit out of a hat is manifest nonsense. what  it does do is bring in a debate about how to run the economy for the benefit of all. 

and place internationalists and supporters of immigration like horsemouth in the position of fans of low wage demeaning work (as steve pointed out to him). get out of that one horsemouth.

meanwhile (back in the real world outside the tory conference) galloping supply chain and energy problems are likely to drive up inflation and eat up that new high pay and further impoverish the vast majority of people on the old low pay (the pay so low that half the people on universal credit are actually working full time jobs). 

and horsemouth is on the no pay (and dependent on savings which are subject to the depredations of inflation). one of the invoices for a booking he accepted (but was ultimately cancelled) has come through and so has the first cheque from his works pension (that he is taking early). by themselves these two would probably just about pay his rent for one week of the month. still it is better than nothing. 

horsemouth is still sitting in the seaside towns even though he no longer needs to do so for work and (indeed) it would almost certainly be cheaper for him to live elsewhere. he has not quite completed the first stage of his evil plan (to make sure he can get at all of his savings and then live (largely) of them in a managed decline away from the world of work until he hits state pension age. 

today horsemouth's head and stomach seem to be ok. outside it is grey (the weather for the day is predicted to be rubbish throughout). horsemouth will attempt to get on with the things he has promised to do.  saturday horsemouth will be minded by a child. 


Thursday 7 October 2021

friday the 13th (horses of the invisible)

good morning! good morning!

horsemouth has his coffee. it's a grey morning outside. 

there are various anniversaries of horsemouth playing live coming up. 

firstly there was the anniversary of the horses of the invisible gig with peter holmgren 4 years ago (which horsemouth thinks has gone already). horses of the invisible  were named after a carnacki the ghost detective episode of the rivals of sherlock holmes. the heiress on the eve of her wedding is terrorised by a ghostly horse charging around the mansion. horsemouth guesses they played the devil song, the get carter theme music, a song by sting about a new orleans vampire (at pete's insistence) probably the devil song and probably the werewolf. 

secondly there's the upcoming anniversary of the friday the 13th gig at the oranges and lemons church for the closing party of max 'crow' reeves' mirkwood booklaunch. more about that when the anniversary comes up, but horsemouth played a complete set. if he has a complaint about it it was that the audience were a bit far away. 

this made it four gigs in a year for 2017 (an astonishing rate of work that horsemouth has never subsequently duplicated). he thanks his friends for giving him the opportunity to engage in his psychodrama. 

ten years ago horsemouth was losing his copy of ubik  and thanking the heavens for not having a tv (or a radio nor indeed broadband probably). 

yesterday horsemouth went out for a walk with TG to the new international zone (they has an expensive but very nice coffee - TG bought so horsemouth owes next time). it is still a building site. in the corner community centre there was a food bank (which was a bit incongruous). later he did a school run.   

in horsemouth's accessions diary - today's great book potlatch moment -  a university of minnesota (grey cover) hullot-kentor translation of adorno's aesthetic theory. horsemouth thought he owned an athlone red and white edition of the same translation, but when he came to look in his adorno box (adrorno, benjamin, lukacs, krauss, frankfurt school reader, western marxism reader) it wasn't there. horsemouth was thus somewhat stymied in his 'keep the new copy' (because it being new horsemouth is more likely to (re-)read it) and 'give the old copy to TG' strategy that he had devised. (in any event he forgot to give the new copy to TG - he will have to arrange an alternative).  

perhaps hullot-kentor overdoes the caveats in his translators introduction. (but then e.b.ashton, translator of negative dialectics, blithers on seemingly oblivious to the dangers). 

'the right word is always there. it just can't be used...  line by line the wrong word is always, unbearably, coming to the rescue.'

the rumours are always that the adorno translations are unreliable. ashton calls for adorno to be thought in english, hullot-kentor notes the problems with rendering adorno's german into english not in such a way that the book fits with its times  but that the ways in which it doesn't fit with its times are visible (closer to adorno's intention). but then hullot-kentor finds even adorno's own rendering of his own thought in english unsatisfactory (in his translation of adorno's philosophy of new music). 

when horsemouth read and wrote about this stuff he tended to follow adorno 'in lockstep' as one perceptive reviewer noted, a little blindly in fact. he tended to read it, contra to adorno's intentions, as a kind of positive sociology of music (and eventually art). this is a function of horsemouth's lamentable desire to get things done  and get to work. that said the world does not stay the same, it is moving through its contradictions which, curiously, even when they are fully expressed, can seem to lose their sting and become blocked. 

now that horsemouth thinks about it this book swap/ potlatch thing unites his two main interests - wandering about and books - rather nicely. 

Wednesday 6 October 2021

a book found on a garden wall (to see another spring)

robert lawson has released a new track on youtube (and most excellent it is too). horsemouth loves those little triplet flourishes hammer dulcimer style. he likes the melodic invention of it (considerably more than you will find in any of horsemouth's tunes). good title too. it's good to see people getting on with stuff (when horsemouth is being so lazy). 

yesterday was the anniversary of the death of bert jansch. the tenth anniversary of the death of his wife loren will be  9/12 (british format). last night horsemouth was supposed to go out (but he didn't). 

horsemouth has constructed two lists recently of what he has been reading, watching, going to or any important events (for the months of september and august respectively). he always feels much better when he does this because he forgets what he has read or watched  (and needs what he has written to remind him).

he's reading less than he used to (for sure). this is because he hasn't been hitting the charity shops to load up on fresh books and because he now spends more time farting about online (when he had to go to the library to do this he was much more disciplined with himself). instead of going to the library to get dvds he just tends to watch whatever junk is available on youtube or freeview. sometimes he will research a movie title and find it online (sometimes he will just get lucky). 

it is not enough to just fill the hours with watching or reading, horsemouth must feel he is getting something out of it. hence he likes it if his reading and watching can be linked into a project - various lone wolf and cub/ shinobi no mono/ a book found on a garden wall of the prints and drawings of hokusai - and all of a sudden he is researching the tokugawa shogunate. 

a book found on a garden wall - this is what is good about horsemouth's (new) neighbourhood. he says new... he's been here five years. 

in the early days of the lockdown horsemouth didn't pick them up (why take the risk right?) 

another factor is the commute (now that he doesn't have the commute or time to kill in class while teh student is getting on with some work). now this was a good time to get on with some reading (seeing as horsemouth does not own a smart phone only a stupid phone). not that horsemouth always did this (he would often just doodle in his diary and colour things in). similarly the work involved visiting educational institutions that often had libraries (horsemouth could plonk down over lunchtime and get through the introduction to this that or the other, note down a few suggestive lines). 

(listen to the excuses mount up.) the bedside light he has is not conducive to reading (either that or his eyes are going). 

yesterday morning horsemouth made progress on the thing he is supposed to be writing. in the afternoon horsemouth's plan to be a good person and be helpful hit an obstacle. he lacked the courage to take the risk to move it further. he supposes now it will all have to go down to the wire. 

at various stages this week horsemouth has been being anxious. yesterday he got the map out and confirmed to himself he has no cause to be anxious (this will help manage his anxiety). 

he watched the rivals of sherlock holmes (7pm tuesdays london channel) - dastardly deeds in the world of bicycles. 

there is a certain comedy to this. horsemouth owns a vast amount of books (and music on CD) but he hardly reads them, he hardly ever sits down and listens to music. 

similarly he owns a vast number of guitars (but he hardly ever plays them). he has the laramie out and tuned standard at the moment. really he should shift the woodstock (dreadnaught) into one of the carry cases and get the hohner out. he should put a d string on the almeria. (and then there's the keyboards - he should get them out and keep his hand in)

today horsemouth will keep on with the various tasks that comprise the thing he is supposed to be writing (this involves some reading). horsemouth worries that what he is doing will not be good enough but it's a task, it just requires dedicated effort, and if he's not up to it then it can be passed on. 

if the weather continues to look decent (which it should) he will go out for a walk. 

Tuesday 5 October 2021

books, films, gigs (if any). events. a very belated september 2021


  • practicalities (la vie materielle in french) -marguerite duras
  • various nlr and lrb blog posts - in particular one on the quaderni rossi (the red notebooks)
  • hamlet (started)
  • the ice monkey - m. john harrison
  • on photography (susan sontag) started


  • india song (part), le camion (part), detruire dit-elle, a documentary - all on marguerite duras. 
  • summer of soul (thanks john - most excellent)
  • hamlet (with richard chamberlain etc.)
  • the dead pool, the enforcer - dirty harry season 
  • flood and ice (london destroyed)
  • damned in venice - more rosemary's baby than vampires of venice it turns out
  • web of the spider - italo horror featuring klaus kinski as edgar allen poe
  • transformations (1972) -  witchery in vermont. barbara hirschfeld  (director) & julia haines (music)
  • RAGA (ravi shankar)
  • it follows
  • the exorcist III


john visits, a rare white stag has been shot dead by police after running through merseyside streets, the death of langdon jones, robert lawson has a new album out, talking politics podcast returns, david runciman podcast devoted to libertarian paypall of the state steve thiel, walk with TG, record some guitar for a nameless project, equinox, departure of robert jenrick (replaced by michael gove), hawkbinge podcast reviews the new hawkwind album, anniversary of 9/11, lise's (and kevin's) birthday. 

so where were you during the great facebook blackout of 2021?

facebook went down around 4.30pm worldwide (horsemouth found out about it from the news a little later). when horsemouth got up in the morning it was back on (he was fully psychically prepared for it not to be he thinks, er. maybe).

meanwhile his parents phone is down also.  the trees on the common reckons his dad. but they've been having problems for months (ever since horsemouth was last there).  

it's all very well horsemouth writing this post here but he needs to be able to advertise it as well. back at the end of october last year facebook ended (somewhat shockingly) their notes tool - the one horsemouth had used to keep his diary - and so horsemouth was forced to relocate it all here. since then he blogs every day (nearly). 

soon the anniversary.

before that (many years ago) horsemouth blogged away on myspace (but in a less diaristic fashion). 

one of the beauties of the notes feature was that you could search it and go back through reading what you had been up to (it functioned like a genuine diary). instead facebook now offer you their alzheimers-light memories tool where you can see what you were doing a year ago etc. (but not any of the rest of it). 

horsemouth should probably make the move to print.

several people claim to read horsemouth's unburdenings (thank you) but do they just read his compressed summary or do they click-through to the meatier blog underneath. do people ever take the time to read him?  

horsemouth has reinstituted the monthly list of books, films, gigs (if any) and events. otherwise he forgets and accounts himself a failure who does not read. 

it's here! the hawkbinge podcast is here! what will our neophyte make of quark, strangeness and charm? or spirit of the age for that matter? he warms to bob calvert's lyrics (well some of them, if not always to his delivery). 'whatever they are paying simon house it is not enough' he opines (and he's right). take fable of a failed race, he is with the modern school in appreciating this (horsemouth always thought it was a bit of a dirge, nicely played and produced but nothing special). 

this was the first hawkwind album horsemouth ever owned (he thinks he bought it in caerphilly in the little record shop near the bus station). he read up a little on the toings-and-froings of hawkwind band members at the time. eventually the bob calvert/ dave brock starship crashes, horsemouth is particularly fond of this era (the silver age) - quark, hawklords, pxr 5. 

horsemouth had always assumed that pxr5 was the next album but in fact it was hawklords- 25 years on. pxr 5 was a collection of outtakes from various studio recordings and various live tracks, recorded before hawklords but released after. hawklords was a quality product (like quark, strangeness and charm),  pxr 5 was a better album than it had any right to be. 

horsemouth supposes after these two we are on to levitation (rather than say live 79 but the podcasters have done space ritual even though they say they don't do live albums). live 79 was crucial (horsemouth would say).

horsemouth is suffering strange anxieties. he has stuff to get on (two sets of stuff to get on with actually) with and a mission for saturday. it's a bright enough morning (warmer by the weekend). soon samhain (halloween). ah that's what he was watching last night, a slightly quiet  halloween 4 - the return of michael myers. (donald pleasance earns his money) and then bed. 

today. horsemouth will get down to work (honest). 

Monday 4 October 2021

yodelling cowboys

good morning people. horsemouth is up later than usual (but not as late as yesterday). who knows maybe this is the new usual.

coming sometime - september's bank statement (so horsemouth the pensioner can see how he is doing financially). the going up the pub with howard will have knocked him off course (but such is life)

this would be the point where if horsemouth could casually mention some philosophical reflection about writing, or give you a nature fact or something, it would be useful (but no - he's a bit empty headed at the minute). 

yesterday horsemouth watched ken burns' country music documentary on PBS. (yodelling cowboys - where did that come from?). but before that rhiannon giddens on the banjo - and on the portability of music - various other talking heads on black influences in early country

the tunes continue to arrive in horsemouth's email in tray from various would-be collaborators. this is good. at some stage horsemouth will be busy. today. a journey to buy cooking oil (supermarket in the fields). more work on the business plan (is what he should be doing). having got a phone number he should make a phonecall. 

Sunday 3 October 2021

later than usual and with more sun than of late

horsemouth types this later than usual and with more sun than of late. he's up and about later than usual after having a restitutive morning snooze to help shift the hangover he acquired celebrating howard's birthday. 

initially horsemouth wanted to keep the celebrations at home (cheap pizza, a few bottles of cheap beer) but howard was keen to relocate them up the pub. they went to the pub with the name of the street (because it was was nearby and it was raining - horsemouth sang what he could remember of singing in the rain). it was there that horsemouth overcame his reluctance and became overly enthusiastic about drinking beer. 

before they wandered up the pub there was some music from youtube. howard liked the lani hall version of love song but he already knew the lesley duncan version (which horsemouth pronounced better). 

horsemouth arrived back late-ish and fell into a deep sleep. sadly he did not feel so good in the morning but he seems to have overcome it all now. 

the sun is shining and the sky is blue. the sun is now lower in the sky and begins to shine into horsemouth's subterranean lair. the disadvantage of this is that the sun no longer makes it over the rooftops into the back garden (which will soon become damp and forlorn). next door the building work proceeds intermittently. horsemouth was just out on the front steps (eating his bowl of museli). 

in a bit a walk (probably). this evening the sunday phonecall with his mum. he should cook dinner also. 

Saturday 2 October 2021

horsemouth (once again) tries to enter the new london

it was on the walk between the waterworks park and the blackstock road conurb(anis)ations that horsemouth thought he might be able to enter into the new london. 

john was visiting.  they had walked up (along the valley of the agapemonians) to the wet lands centre and then after a cup of coffee (horsemouth should have had that slice of cake to keep his strength up). 

in the new london it is perpetual summer and there is plenty of shade. a cool breeze blows and everybody is friendly and well-dressed. 

they made two efforts to cross over (but the gernsback effect was not with them). 

at the william morris museum the small gallery was closed in preparation for the opening of the young poland  show, in the salvation army the books would not be charmed out of the stacks and john and horsemouth had to make do with CDs instead (nusrat fateh ali khan's night moves -  horsemouth has star rise the remix album somewhere - and a cheap compilation spanish guitar magic  to make up the 4 for £1).

thereafter a wander to the bus station and a return by bus (john was disappointed not to raid more charity shops and not to walk back). 

truth be told horsemouth is a little run down. 

it is 50 years since patti smith's first gig (at st. mark's church in new york) at about 8.20 she performs an early version of fire of unknown origin (in a dylanish fashion) with lenny kaye on guitar. 

today horsemouth is due to be meeting howard but the weather is shit (though not as bad as in ice the movie horsemouth watched last night). the oil conglomerates are drilling in the artic, they hit a thermal vent and melt the greenland ice sheet flooding the planet and shutting down the gulf stream resulting in the northern hemisphere freezing up in a new ice age. our hero (the climate scientist) is re-united with his family, the inconvenient corporate lawyer and potential love interest has to die. once again (after flood) london is destroyed.

meanwhile in the real world the great petrol famine continues (says horsemouth disloyally). 

Friday 1 October 2021

OM (are you ready? are you really ready?)

so john is here from sunny porto and it's a rainy grey day (and the binmen are circling - hail the binmen).

last night they watched summer of soul an account of the 1969 harlem cultural festival. which is amazing (if not as heart-breakingly beautiful as the aretha franklin film). there's no jimi hendrix but there's a brief clip of sonny sharrock playing (and of course sly and the family stone). 

and there's nina simone (who is properly righteous). olatunji - ray barretto - mongo santamaria 

it's also the anniversary of john coltrane recording OM  in seattle and its bandcamp friday (so you know what you've got to do).