Saturday 9 October 2021

the fabulous synthetic monks of lisbon

such was the line in the dream when the alarm went off. horsemouth's starts had moved to 8am (now that he is a creature of leisure) but the day requires him to be up earlier (so here he is). 

now that he thinks of it it would make an excellent dr. who episode, gothic goings on at a monastery in lisbon, cue synthesizer music and the reveal of the hand of a monk showing its synthetic nature as it is up to something nefarious (bessie, various elavadors, pombals central grid, an evil plan to re-enact the earthquake. the doctor subject to the inquisition, a young clerk/writer called fernando pessoa). 

last night horsemouth watched bela lugosi in the corpse vanishes (classic universal horror - plucky reporter battles strangely accented european professor, expert on orchids and husband of nutjob countess, yes there is a dwarf, a mute strongman and a gypsy mother living in the basement). 

he also heard from comic book illustrator and author  matt boyce from far off oxford. horsemouth has promised to post him a CD of volume four. in his radioactive future mutant  the world has ended (but people are still going down the pub) - does that sound familiar?  one of the topics of conversation was the 'new' john coltrane album (and later the alice coltrane ashram singers). 

today horsemouth and the tiny violins. perhaps a chance to read. condensation on the inside of the windows. it's grey out but not supposed to be so bad later on.  

horsemouth has been reprieved (well by two hours). he is using the time to drink a cup of tea, eat a bowl of museli and check the newspapers.  he will have to check this gives him enough time to get where he is going.  

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