Monday 18 October 2021

well this is really most incovenient (traveller's moon)

 well horsemouth is still ill (at least he was last night). 

there was the dream of the four kids in the college bar. three girls and a skinny importuning dude, vaguely sinister. one of the girls had a skateboard. at some point the guy asked if he could borrow horsemouth's bag - the guy wondered if the bar was open. later horsemouth became worried that his bag had been stolen. the expresso bar owner had found it. horsemouth can't remember if it had been cleaned out or not. it was kind of like a nouvelle vague movie.

horsemouth simply can't get comfortable. he can't get or stay warm enough and even if he does it doesn't matter because what feels cold is his stomach and he needs a way of directing heat into his stomach (like a hot water bottle horsemouth?). the heat provides relief from mild cramps. the best way with it so far is to get under a hot shower.

nonetheless by dint of frequent showers moving out of his bed (uncomfortable and in a draught) moving upstairs onto the living room sofa (warmer and more comfortable). moving back downstairs  and getting out one of the camping mats. he succeeded in getting a good(ish) night's sleep

horsemouth has been reading gabriel josipovici's goldberg. variations  backwards (that is last story to first). he's nearly at the beginning.  this is something he does if at first he experiences a resistance to reading the book (he did it with practicalities a while ago). there is, in a book that contains much writing about writers, some discussion of writing. 

'the bespoke recording apparatus that milman parry took to yugoslavia in the summer of 1935 – manufactured by sound specialties inc of waterbury, connecticut, it had two turntables and a toggle for switching instantaneously between them,,,'

milman parry was on a recording trip (the record decks were being used to record long stories and so had to be capable of being switched instantaneously between two) to discover the oral sources of homer (kind of like the situation in the file on H). 

today horsemouth will go to the chemists (if not the doctor's) and try and find somewhere that will sell him a hot water bottle. he may ask around in the house (it sounds like something someone must have). 

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