Tuesday 19 October 2021

horsemouth (if not entirely returned to health) at least on his way

 this is how he feels. 

horsemouth had his first bath in five years (he has been showering instead for the squeamish among you). wow. such luxury. such excess. 

horsemouth also has a hot water bottle. this means he no longer has to understand how to get the central heating on and the radiator in his room to give out a decent amount of heat in order to stay warm. (in the early stages of the complaint staying warm seemed to be the big problem). he has passed a night with no great disruption of his sleep and awakes refreshed (if cautious about his middles) to face the day.

and a grey day it is. super-rubbish. normal service is being resumed. 

horsemouth has been reading gabriel josipovici's goldberg. variations  backwards, that is last story to first, as he has told you before. it is something he does if he feels a reluctance to read a book. in theory many books approach their end by re-incorporation, the characters and conflicts that were brought into play at the start of the drama are gradually cancelled out and brought into relation until we have a moment of closure. the moment of closure is acknowledged and then the book is over. 

similarly at the beginning. we must be shown the world without necessarily being able to see all of it...  and then the business of introducing the characters and commencing their conflicts must begin. 

in theory then he should derive the benefit of the relations between chapters (even if not in the order or perhaps manner that the author intended). 

horsemouth subscribes to the big gang - period of activity - cosmic crunch theory of the novel. 

horsemouth may have a gig for february (if indeed fenris has not eaten the sun, if such things are still prudent or indeed even possible by then). he should try and run up some new material for it. the only new thing he added to his set for weirdshire (his only gig of 2021) was karen dalton's something's on your mind,  he would have added high-rise strutter's ball but it was a hot day and he couldn't face taking the banjolin. 

over the years of the pandemic horsemouth did not get up to much musically. much of the material for musicians of bremen volume four had been demoed or recorded the year before. the guitar part for amarach, the bassline on dark was the day, these were probably the last things horsemouth did before the lockdown hit. instead he got on with things with CATASTRO/fille and enza - the fall of the house of fitzgerald, his voice over for poplarism, some as yet unreleased musical recordings.

howard invited him out for beer and a pizza over the weekend (but he couldn't go because he was being ill). today horsemouth will try and get on with various things, not the least of it will be finishing off (getting to the start of) goldberg. variations. 

phew. at least he's feeling better. now a careful bowl of museli. 

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