Wednesday 6 October 2021

a book found on a garden wall (to see another spring)

robert lawson has released a new track on youtube (and most excellent it is too). horsemouth loves those little triplet flourishes hammer dulcimer style. he likes the melodic invention of it (considerably more than you will find in any of horsemouth's tunes). good title too. it's good to see people getting on with stuff (when horsemouth is being so lazy). 

yesterday was the anniversary of the death of bert jansch. the tenth anniversary of the death of his wife loren will be  9/12 (british format). last night horsemouth was supposed to go out (but he didn't). 

horsemouth has constructed two lists recently of what he has been reading, watching, going to or any important events (for the months of september and august respectively). he always feels much better when he does this because he forgets what he has read or watched  (and needs what he has written to remind him).

he's reading less than he used to (for sure). this is because he hasn't been hitting the charity shops to load up on fresh books and because he now spends more time farting about online (when he had to go to the library to do this he was much more disciplined with himself). instead of going to the library to get dvds he just tends to watch whatever junk is available on youtube or freeview. sometimes he will research a movie title and find it online (sometimes he will just get lucky). 

it is not enough to just fill the hours with watching or reading, horsemouth must feel he is getting something out of it. hence he likes it if his reading and watching can be linked into a project - various lone wolf and cub/ shinobi no mono/ a book found on a garden wall of the prints and drawings of hokusai - and all of a sudden he is researching the tokugawa shogunate. 

a book found on a garden wall - this is what is good about horsemouth's (new) neighbourhood. he says new... he's been here five years. 

in the early days of the lockdown horsemouth didn't pick them up (why take the risk right?) 

another factor is the commute (now that he doesn't have the commute or time to kill in class while teh student is getting on with some work). now this was a good time to get on with some reading (seeing as horsemouth does not own a smart phone only a stupid phone). not that horsemouth always did this (he would often just doodle in his diary and colour things in). similarly the work involved visiting educational institutions that often had libraries (horsemouth could plonk down over lunchtime and get through the introduction to this that or the other, note down a few suggestive lines). 

(listen to the excuses mount up.) the bedside light he has is not conducive to reading (either that or his eyes are going). 

yesterday morning horsemouth made progress on the thing he is supposed to be writing. in the afternoon horsemouth's plan to be a good person and be helpful hit an obstacle. he lacked the courage to take the risk to move it further. he supposes now it will all have to go down to the wire. 

at various stages this week horsemouth has been being anxious. yesterday he got the map out and confirmed to himself he has no cause to be anxious (this will help manage his anxiety). 

he watched the rivals of sherlock holmes (7pm tuesdays london channel) - dastardly deeds in the world of bicycles. 

there is a certain comedy to this. horsemouth owns a vast amount of books (and music on CD) but he hardly reads them, he hardly ever sits down and listens to music. 

similarly he owns a vast number of guitars (but he hardly ever plays them). he has the laramie out and tuned standard at the moment. really he should shift the woodstock (dreadnaught) into one of the carry cases and get the hohner out. he should put a d string on the almeria. (and then there's the keyboards - he should get them out and keep his hand in)

today horsemouth will keep on with the various tasks that comprise the thing he is supposed to be writing (this involves some reading). horsemouth worries that what he is doing will not be good enough but it's a task, it just requires dedicated effort, and if he's not up to it then it can be passed on. 

if the weather continues to look decent (which it should) he will go out for a walk. 

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