Monday 25 October 2021

'things omitted from a work and added as a supplement'

it is the anniversary of folkways releasing michael hurley's first album first songs. now hurley is still going.

having begun writing aesthetic theory on 4th may 1961 adorno had taken a pause to write negative dialectics. on 25th october 1966 he recommenced work on aesthetic theory. his last dated text was written 15th july 1969.

and then he died. and his widow (gretel adorno) and associate (rolf tiedeman) were left to pull the text together. this involved the creation of a paralipomena,  a grab bag of text fragments some of which might be migrated into the text proper but most of which are destined to remain in the paralipomena itself  ('things omitted from a work and added as a supplement'  is a more eloquent description than the one horsemouth achieved). to horsemouth it retains the image of a fatty stuffing (lipo - mena) but he's probably misreading it.

there are things that form a part of the experience of the musical object that are not the musical object itself - the packaging for example, album covers etc. or the following track of the particular track that the listener will subsequently hear in his minds ear following it when the particular track comes to an end. 

and then there were the modern deluxe editions of albums with additional tracks. 

today horsemouth will be writing and editing, attempting, with some humour, to fit some proposed clarifications inside a text clearly counter to their purpose. as to the ordering of the priorities he will propose handling this with a vote. because he will be writing other things horsemouth will probably keep this post quite short, or he may decide to run away to the woods with it (seeing as he would rather be writing pleasant doodles than texts of consequence). 


and in other definitions:

'graphomania: ...a mania to write books, to have a public of unknown readers.' (milan kundera, sixty three words)

'european: one who is nostalgic for europe.' (milan kundera, sixty three words).

horsemouth is dealing (or not dealing) with the consequences of his excess of temper saturday morning. horsemouth is great until he gets tired (and then his judgement goes to shit). there were a number of points where a better result could have been achieved. horsemouth is the kind of person who cannot get angry without getting resentful  that he has been made to get angry. 

when montaigne retired he did not experience joy but instead a period of intense difficulty. 

if horsemouth is genuinely attempting to get mobile he needs to get on and sell/ give away some books. 

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