Saturday 23 October 2021

porto novo (horsemouth rededicates himself to the work)

so today is not the anniversary of the recording of porto novo by marion brown (as horsemouth was planning to tell you it was). 

last night the zappa documentary was on tv - horsemouth enjoyed it - he remembers the stoners in the 80ies telling him that zappa mainly thought of himself as a composer - horsemouth just assumed this was a pose to differentiate himself from the herd of guitar heroes (which was how horsemouth understood musical endeavour). to his recollection the stoners were genuinely interested in zappa's musico-aesthetic project, horsemouth just wanted to be a filthy hippy (but he was at least a generation too late).

when zappa's daughter moon unit gets frank a hit by taking the acetates of valley girl down to the local radio station she is invalidating one of his arguments about how this cannot be done anymore, the one that because the music industry has become so integrated that getting a local hit has become impossible as there is only one point of entry MTV. no one seems much bothered by this.

today is however the anniversary of the release of the third horsemouth selected/ howard mixed golden glow mix of the five they have made so far. one of his mixes has in a relatively short period of time passed 100 listens (this is good horsemouth is pleased).

the weather is crap. in theory horsemouth is off to see howard (or howard is coming to see him) today and later there is a triple negative gig. in theory there is a babysitting gig also in the morning (with a library visit) and then some child transportation. phew horsemouth was just getting that booked up with his dodgy old phone dying on him in the middle of it.

horsemouth is more than mildly agoraphobic and tends to see potential conflict everywhere he goes. he is therefore trying to work out how to bail on various of the day's activities. he has also slept poorly. 

furthermore horsemouth is clumping about in big boots (his scarpa trainers have finally bitten the dust the soles having worn clean through) and this makes journeys extra tiring.    

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