Friday 22 October 2021

in which the sleepwalking characters confess their thoughts and feelings

 'who shall I remember (in the turning wheel of time)'

horsemouth doesn't get it. it's a friday but he hasn't been awakened by the bin lorries. 

last night horsemouth attempted to watch the 2018 remake of halloween, but it was dull and it was on late too (well past his bedtime). 

earlier he had watched two movies in the crimson bat  series - which is kind of like zatoichi but with a woman. she wants to settle down (but being a bounty hunter/ assassin/ serial murderess rather puts paid to that). it doesn't have the genius of lady snowblood but it has its moments. with the fabrics, the houses, the scenery it looks amazing. 

he read milan kundera's the art of the novel. which goes quickly. it's an engaging read. the broch horsemouth has never read (musil, kafka, hasek, gombrowicz yeah yeah yeah) - he should probably have taken john up on his offer of a visit to skoob bookshop where he could have picked up a copy of the trilogy  (for an arm and a leg). 

having listened to musicians of bremen volume three yesterday horsemouth thought he'd take a crack at volume four

for horsemouth amárach is the standout track. (said a-MORE-uck and meaning tomorrow). howard wrote this one (uke, vocals, keyboard, clapping). horsemouth is still amazed he was involved in making something so beautiful.  he plays the resonator tuned standard and does his best ali farka toure impression. horsemouth did a couple of takes of the guitar and howard chopped them down to what you hear.  

here horsemouth plays you a version without the keyboard and with more of the guitars before they were cut down. 

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