Tuesday 5 October 2021

so where were you during the great facebook blackout of 2021?

facebook went down around 4.30pm worldwide (horsemouth found out about it from the news a little later). when horsemouth got up in the morning it was back on (he was fully psychically prepared for it not to be he thinks, er. maybe).

meanwhile his parents phone is down also.  the trees on the common reckons his dad. but they've been having problems for months (ever since horsemouth was last there).  

it's all very well horsemouth writing this post here but he needs to be able to advertise it as well. back at the end of october last year facebook ended (somewhat shockingly) their notes tool - the one horsemouth had used to keep his diary - and so horsemouth was forced to relocate it all here. since then he blogs every day (nearly). 

soon the anniversary.

before that (many years ago) horsemouth blogged away on myspace (but in a less diaristic fashion). 

one of the beauties of the notes feature was that you could search it and go back through reading what you had been up to (it functioned like a genuine diary). instead facebook now offer you their alzheimers-light memories tool where you can see what you were doing a year ago etc. (but not any of the rest of it). 

horsemouth should probably make the move to print.

several people claim to read horsemouth's unburdenings (thank you) but do they just read his compressed summary or do they click-through to the meatier blog underneath. do people ever take the time to read him?  

horsemouth has reinstituted the monthly list of books, films, gigs (if any) and events. otherwise he forgets and accounts himself a failure who does not read. 

it's here! the hawkbinge podcast is here! what will our neophyte make of quark, strangeness and charm? or spirit of the age for that matter? he warms to bob calvert's lyrics (well some of them, if not always to his delivery). 'whatever they are paying simon house it is not enough' he opines (and he's right). take fable of a failed race, he is with the modern school in appreciating this (horsemouth always thought it was a bit of a dirge, nicely played and produced but nothing special). 

this was the first hawkwind album horsemouth ever owned (he thinks he bought it in caerphilly in the little record shop near the bus station). he read up a little on the toings-and-froings of hawkwind band members at the time. eventually the bob calvert/ dave brock starship crashes, horsemouth is particularly fond of this era (the silver age) - quark, hawklords, pxr 5. 

horsemouth had always assumed that pxr5 was the next album but in fact it was hawklords- 25 years on. pxr 5 was a collection of outtakes from various studio recordings and various live tracks, recorded before hawklords but released after. hawklords was a quality product (like quark, strangeness and charm),  pxr 5 was a better album than it had any right to be. 

horsemouth supposes after these two we are on to levitation (rather than say live 79 but the podcasters have done space ritual even though they say they don't do live albums). live 79 was crucial (horsemouth would say).

horsemouth is suffering strange anxieties. he has stuff to get on (two sets of stuff to get on with actually) with and a mission for saturday. it's a bright enough morning (warmer by the weekend). soon samhain (halloween). ah that's what he was watching last night, a slightly quiet  halloween 4 - the return of michael myers. (donald pleasance earns his money) and then bed. 

today. horsemouth will get down to work (honest). 

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