Sunday 31 October 2021

don't fear the reaper

in the celtic system of days the evening is the start of the new day. 

dark precedes light.

based on this system j.g. frazier (the golden bough) argued that samhain was the beginning of the celtic new year. 

so this evening as darkness falls the new year begins. 

wheras beltane is attention paid to growth and new things samhain is about attention to death and the old things. the dead come close. feasting and fires of purification. if you are watching halloween as horsemouth watches it you will have watched up to the end of michael myer's escape (and will now watch the rest of it and halloween II  tonight). 

this year there's a strange thing with the clocks also. 

horsemouth once announced a scheme to play his gigs in relation (as close as he could) to the wheel of the year, the two solstices, two equinoxes and the four celtic quarter days. (he has to some extent managed it and got in an additional friday 13th). 

horsemouth is of a gothy disposition.


dana's faith (mia and julliet - two teenage girls) review don't fear the reaper. they truly get it (except that they can't face the darkness of the lyrics and render it a song about the acceptance of death). to horsemouth it always seemed a song about a suicide pact or vampires

'it's so creepy. but in a good way.'

they are right to identify the guitar solo as ASTOUNDING (and to praise the drummer). horsemouth has extended his blue oyster cult position from black and white (the first three albums) and the odd few tracks from the corporate rock years (cultosaurus  and fire of unknown origin) to an agents of fortune position. he finds it an almost perfect rock album. 

it is three full months since horsemouth even thought about working. he still has not fully sorted out his finances fully, nor got a new passsport, nor come up with a plan. he needs to move on to the new thing. 

sylvie has died (so people say). horsemouth remembers her dancing in front of lee scratch perry. he remembers snogging her in the three crowns and them being ushered out by the bar man. he wishes her well on her journey across the rainbow bridge. 

yesterday howard was round. the sun shone and they sat out on the front porch drinking beer and listening to music. howard played recordings of five demo tracks for the next musicians of bremen album (probably a howard solo effort). they were good. 

horsemouth lent howard the resonator largely because he had recorded one of the demo tracks with it and it had sounded good. howard seemed to be angling after another electric guitar (but without an amp they are kind of pointless suggests horsemouth). 

howard (being a practical, can-do sort of person) helped horsemouth process the recent communal endeavour related difficulties - they are now on a new path. horsemouth should get out that little bluffer's guide to project management and check through swots and pestles (and risk analysis - someone is certain to demand a risk analysis). 

this is still occupying horsemouth's head way too much. he will call andrew minty and get him to intercede and gradually assemble a safer work environment. 

horsemouth just saw a magpie. a bird that is both black and white. outside it is a rainy grey day. 

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