Friday, 13 September 2013

the 'wide eyed presentation of actualities'

(in last quarter's episode without warning myspace disappeared horsemouth's blog which he had been dutifully writing for a full six years - now read on...)

so myspace will be sending horsemouth his 6 years worth of blogging and kvetching and all in a few short months. it will be arriving as one big html file (are you sure? it may be a bit big). of course it is now ancient history - but it does show unanticipated problem with the cloud storage in the malls of our digital overlords. but also opportunities for negotiation.

yesterday horsemouth wandered down to the beach of self-expression and went mudlarking just north of there. he found two pipe bowls (not complete but in a reasonable state) - one with a relief of britannia on it.  in the afternoon (bored) he snoozed.

the problem with horsemouth's digital life is that (like his real life) it's a bit dull - horsemouth wouldn't share with you the juicy bits (even if there were to be some).  horsemouth is searching for a quote from benjamin about boredom being the thing that hatches the egg of the imagination (or something like that) but it is evading him.

(ah sean has found it - "Boredom is the dream-bird that hatches the egg of experience. A rustling in the leaves drives him away")

ishi (which just means 'man' proper names being hardly ever used in californian indian society but are endlessly used in modern californian society) is now safely lodged in the anthropology museum. he's even employed as a janitor. mostly he spends his time flint-knapping (he's just about the last person who ever had to do this as a matter of personal survival rather than folkloric re-enactment). next horsemouth will read zola's 'the dream' - a foundling (see otto rank's - the birth of the hero) raised as an embroiderer within the grounds of the cathederal by a childless couple. already we are in the land of myth.

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