Monday 3 November 2014

thankyouthankyouthankyou (best gig yet)/ the solitary of llanbedr

horsemouth would like to thank all those who came out and could stay to the end to witness musicians of bremen's performance halloween night - it was (in his humble opinion, and of course he's biased) the best yet - but this is probably just because he had a lot  of fun playing it. in particular horsemouth would like to thank the random scouse dude who asked the key question 'is there a second microphone stand?' and the girl from the venue who got it out of the storage cupboard - and the landlady for sorting himself and john smith out with a beer when their performance was over. 

sadly that still left the problem of there only being two microphones where musicians of bremen usually have four unamplified sound sources on the go at any one time. musicians of bremen got themselves into this state by electing not to soundcheck - if they'd known they had microphones and microphone stands at home (ah well live and learn).

horsemouth remained indomitable in the face of these setbacks (and in the face of persistent minor feedback and poor sound quality due to his having no real understanding of how operate PAs - he thanks ayesha and  iona and nick for their help). as far as horsemouth remembers they opened with the werewolf  which horsemouth padded out with as much call and response as he could reasonably get away with - they ended up with sorrows of tomorrow because they'd forgotten to play it earlier - in between they debuted all my dreams (with horsemouth singing). being fairly drunk and having overcome all obstacles in his way horsemouth was in good voice.

later (by way celebration) horsemouth went out to watch the spacehijackers funeral - he thanks one set of friends for inviting him out and another set of friends for managing to get him in - he danced, he yelled a bit, he went home. the space hijackers are shutting up shop (presumably because there's no more space left to hijack). in the course of things he acquired a red pinstripe suit (and it's not too bad a fit) which (being a disobedient object) has resisted the state's attempt to prosecute the wearer (including horsemouth himself he's told) three times (plus it has been dipped in the waters of the lethe having been worn to the owners father's funeral) - thencely it must be  in possession of some serious heavy juju - horsemouth will probably be wearing it for future gigs.

the solitary of llanbedr

'sunday, allhallowmass day 1874.

all has gone of well. fanny played the harmonium nicely and the singing was capital. the congregation were delighted and some of them could hardly believe their ears and the squire said nothing for or against, but he came to church twice.' - kilvert's diary, william plomer selection.

horsemouth is slouching around (perhaps he'll go out later) though typically the weather has taken a turn for the worse (after the end of british summertime comes an indian summer but this morning is rainy and grey). kilvert was a curate up at clyro in radnorshire (near hay-on-wye and thus near his parents), horsemouth has been to his grave in bredwardine. he writes of the depression of john couzens (john and the devil) and of his fortelling a revolution (john couzens' prophecy). he writes of the solitary of llanbedr  his shack stuffed with pamphlets where he perfects a new system of shorthand. typically the locals called the little valley where he lived cwm cello - probably cwm ceilio - the valley of the cattle pen. kilvert collects folk songs (from the postmaster in abergavenny). he came by the kilvert on friday morning and also volume 3 of anais nin's diaries (most excellent the little he has read), he will go back to the cobbett at some stage.

horsemouth is returning from the mountains of mania where he has been very pleasurably installed since the gig - this is the place where his genius is capable of everything and anything simultaneously - he has been returning via true detective which now that he watches it in the correct order works very well.

iona commented friday night that there's something very gothic in what musicians of bremen do (dead children, dead this, dead that, dead the other, the devil, the pulpit, the steeple, werewolves, sorrows, drownings etc.) and horsemouth has to admit it's true (just look at his choice of folksongs in his solo tracks - dead lovers, drownings, murders, etc. etc.).  that they deal with murders  is one of the things that attracts him to folksongs (the material of people's lives is just so much better) that and the fact that it is collectively authored and only gradually arrived at produces strange juxtaposiitions. there's a song of domestic happiness painted toes but horsemouth didn't write it and it's not something he would write, horsemouth would have liked to get his version of bright phoebus up and running (which he hears as a song about the moment when love hits) and there was john smith's song of an argument in a car - both of these need drums really - or maybe they're not where musicians are going anymore.

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