Sunday 14 December 2014

'in recording the obscure labours of humble enthusiasts'

horsemouth is back from johnny and denise's in the suburbs having let himself be bullied by the transport infrastructure (or rather the limited representation of it available online) - he opted for the 'safe' route of returning via south woodford (last westbound tube 12.05) - as a result he had to leave the party just as they were putting on the dancehall, the alcohol had done its necessary work and he was beginning to re-connect with his sociability. ah well. I suppose there will always be next year (until there isn't). horsemouth didn't fancy a drunken stagger back (via unspecified night buses) or (still worse) a hungover stagger back at painful a.m.

horsemouth is reading two things at the moment - duncan (and linda) williamson's fireside tales of the traveller children (borrowed) which includes a variant on the musicians of bremen featuring a donkey, a sheep, a duck and cockerel. so far he's only read the story about the hedgehurst king (a kind of were-hedgehog). and the introduction to samuel smiles self-help. from whence comes the title of this piece (a description of smiles' practice).

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