Saturday 21 February 2015

the revolution will not be twittered

war in the east. (sorry that should read 'ceasefire in the east').

and in the european family 'intense diplomatic efforts' (aka bullying). the greeks made them an offer they couldn't accept (so regretfully they had to refuse). if the greeks succeed the bond markets will have to wait longer for 'their' money and austerity will be less intense - if the greeks fail either they crash out, great carnage to the benefit of the bond markets or they carry on being slowly choked to death in perpetuity at the discretion of their fellow europeans.

yanis V is some kind of a marxist (he says) - it would be good to understand better why he thinks what he does - drawing him as a zombie (as horsemouth has done) is just not an adequate response. if the eurozone can grant concessions then it would be good to get it to do so (would it not?) - that would constitute a victory (of sorts), why is his analogy between thatcher days and greece now incorrect, why is he quibbling over the difficulty in valorising the human factor in value production... etc. etc. 

later horsemouth goes to work. he has rearranged his shelving a little (now 3 shelves of russians/ east europeans, 1 shelf of gothics/ decadents, 1 shelf random unsorted), constituted a box of utopians/ transcendentalists and dusted in the hallway. as usual this brings horsemouth face to face with what he has not read. he should really at least put up some more shelves (or have them put up)

horsemouth has listened to; two tracks by his bandmate in musicians of bremen john smith (the second) or howard grange or whatever he's calling himself at the minute - pleasant durrutti columnish stuff well sung and well played on his new acoustic guitar. (horsemouth may be out of the game).

horsemouth also listened to the free cd by long pike hollow - crafty and intelligent guitar soli, and the new track by stick in the wheel (which is about a horse, and a horse as a labouring creature at that).
the difficulty here horsemouth feels is finding the way to make our musical efforts distinctive that respects what they are - horsemouth has no answers but he thinks it's the key question at least - to have a verse and a chorus and lyrics enough to cover them is no longer sufficient.

 'the lowing of cattle is the natural bass to the melody of human voices' - elisabeth palmer peabody (transcendentalist and brook farmer).

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