Monday 25 May 2015

horsemouth and noah (and horsemouth's self-inflicted beer injuries)

horsemouth's head hurts. last night (to celebrate horsemouth's getting a guitar part in time and a general freedom from work) horsemouth and howard went out for a beer at the murder mile. they drank and they drank and they drank. at about 9pm the music seemed to get better and horsemouth and howard went from being their dads (sitting in a pub with glasses of bitter bemoaning humanity) to becoming the sad old dudes you see dancing in pubs while pissed. howard thought it might be better if the people danced (it wasn't).

horsemouth is slightly barbecue flavoured as the result of a small fire they had in the back garden after - they listened to music on the laptop dream baby dream by suicide, the kiss by judee sill, superstition stevie wonder.

horsemouth was there to put a guitar part on noah but they couldn't get it to sit in and stay in time - the tempo seemed a touch too fast, the initial ukulele part a little too roughly timed - they decided to scrap what they had and re-record it to drums rather than to click track using cubase to loop the verses and choruses and using the best takes for each. horsemouth layed down two simplified rhythm guitar parts (using howard's acoustic and his own resonator) and then a track of solo. he also double tracked the main vocal. there will be two versions of the song - one for horsemouth's upcoming solo plus guests recording (with a horsemouth lead vocal) and another extended version with drums more in the line of howard's recent recordings. both howard and horsemouth will be going out separately as the musician of bremen (there that should confuse them) and perhaps sometimes combining forces to become musicians of bremen.

horsemouth's blog post today was going to be about boredom - but he's feeling a little too rough to discuss such weighty topics.

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