Monday 22 June 2015

the longest day (the shortest dark night of the soul)

'the romanticism if the gendarmes, the dramatic exercises of the detectives, the lavish setting for the display of loyal zeal... the whippers-in, the hounds...' - herzen, ends and beginnings, p.122. 

of course being a noble herzen is eventually reprieved from siberia and found a job in the imperial bureaucracy, on his second offence he is posted to novgorod. there he finds a thoroughly bent admninistration and has himself transfered to the least bent bit of it, the bit that oversees political exiles (like himself). in this capacity he hears the police's reports on himself (they tactfully don't mention any activity that might be embarrasing). in this horsemouth finds a shade of through a scanner darkly.

in novgorod in the 12th century the new church took the statue of the slav sky god perun and threw it in the river - herzen calls them voltaireans.

horsemouth was round house of howard recording some guitar parts for the song currently titled police close off the southbound entrance to the blackwall tunnel - using the resonator he recorded a daddad tuned slide round the chords (it's probably a bit quiet - especially in the bits where he's sliding harmonics) and then a portishead-type minor-feel feed -in (guitar tuned dgcfad to make it 'shake' a bit more - the resonator has high string tension and so does not exhibit much vibrato - at least not with horsemouth dragging the strings about). you probably can't have the the two guitars doing the feed-in at the same time. it needs organ, maybe harmonium.

the song's only opportunity to go big is on the line this city's mine (which horsemouth thinks will bear a repeat) - a very contested sentiment these days.

the murder mile may have reached and passed peak gentrification (horsemouth enjoys the look of horror locals give him when he mentions he goes there) - the bourge families are dying back to be replaced by the youth in multiple occupation - it's all vintage fairs and second rate soul music (bane to humanity) 'bought' good taste. the musicians of bremen may be returning their patronage to at the sign of the owltopus.

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