Friday 2 October 2015

books, gigs and films september

cultural capital - robert hewson (part),
chamberlain and the beautiful llama - stefan lorant,
the pageant of summer - richard jefferies -,
performance theory -,
middlemarch - george eliot (half, still reading),
a history of the worthies of england - dd thomas fuller,
men of ideas - bryan magee (the sections on/ with isiah berlin, charles taylor, herbert marcuse, heidegger, wittgenstein, ernest gellner)

- thomas mccarthy, gemma khawaja, fran foote - bermondsey folk festival,
- grandmaster flash, levi roots - er. grillfest, walthamstow,
- orchestre baobab. blick bassy - rfh and simo lagnawi in the qeh foyer,
- laura cannell, angharad davies, oliver coates (and another violinist) individually then all together - cafe otto,
-  stick in the wheel, the gentle people, jack sharp - album launch party underneath holborn viaduct,
- magic science quartet (marshall allen, henry grimes and various guildhall music schoolers) - the barbican foyer.

tideland, the jacket, don't look now, groundhog day, the house that dripped blood, whatever happened to jack and jill? . 

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