Wednesday 16 December 2015

horsemouth and the dead body (the youth and money)

last night horsemouth dreamt he was carrying a dead body about (it seemed impossibly ancient perhaps archeological) he was somewhere near whipps cross. on reflection he doesn’t take this dream too badly despite how grim it at first appears - with his jungian lenses he sees that part of himself has been under-utilised for a long time and is beginning to wake up (at least to the extent of becoming a burden).

horsemouth has acquired two beer trophies, one of which occasions some guilt (bad horsemouth) and the second he has only just remembered (a water bottle). these are recompense to himself for the grey tasks necessary to secure a living (but he must watch that kleptomania it reeks of wanting to be caught).

recently horsemouth had a difficult child portee - one who insisted that horsemouth take smaller steps, ‘take smaller steps’ , it said. horsemouth was confronted with the meaninglessness of his existence, the meniality of his allotted role, in a kind of ethnomethodological experiment in servant humiliation. horsemouth (the maker of sense) was denied the right to do so. he experienced the frustration of the honest journeyman. once again he became angry, and he doesn’t think he succeeded in hiding this (usually when horsemouth becomes angry he takes malicious pleasure in hiding this from people - ok he frequently fails and steam comes out of his ears). round three is next week - horsemouth plans evasion by compliance (the schveikian model) - he will do what is asked of him and pass the unsatisfactory results up to his betters (there you go).

yesterday horsemouth (wearing his postcapitalism and that hat) attended a meeting of the committee for the reinvention of money - the youth want to be nudged at the contactless point of sale, they want to be scanned so as to be offered ethical choices likely to appeal to them, the youth want an authentic handshaking relationship with the merchant in their local shop. the youth distrust the alienated nature of money (its fungibility) that it is not trackable to source or destination, that it is the universal solvent making all such questions irrelevant, capable of dissolving the organs right out of your body.

only one group identified time as a factor in this proposing that design could be used to get the proles to spend faster the better to hasten the next economic collapse (the bar code becomes circular - the ‘link’ logo a chain).

this excess expenditure it’s not sustainable said the youth- but what capitalism needs now is precisely for the proles to throw off prudence and spend spend spend like there’s no tomorrow. having been burnt once the proles are cautious. in fact the youth’s distrust of this thing you call money is part and parcel of this.

one group literalised cultural capital (if you listen carefully you can hear adorno rotating) by combining it with basic income - now there’s a thought experiment to run in a university) but sadly most of horsemouth’s learning is undocumented and so he cannot be paid for it.

 the old sat around and took notes simultaneously fascinated and a little bored by the micro-bacillus focus groups throwing up religious material, old episodes of logan’s run etc. dreaming of hearing the idea that would make them king.

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