Tuesday 12 January 2016

pump up the volume

sean has been in touch;

‘Will be around soon... most likely tues. Haven't seen horsemouth for a while - maybe catch up tues evening?...’

 (indeed they did horsemouth treated sean to a rushed cup of coffee at the ICA before he got the bus out and before horsemouth went in to see the david thomas broughton movie)

sean continues;

‘.... been following horsemouth's blog; enjoyed the mix - whats not to like about alice coltrane, karen dalton, goblin and sun ra, right? Even so.... isn't that slightly predictable? Not wishing to be critical - its fair enough to stake out a basic aesthetic terrain (and prove status as a man of taste) with first posted mix - but.... had I not read the previous horsemouthfolk archive post on the subject, the jaynetts would have been completely new and unknown to me.... more curveballs like that would be welcome. btw, I only knew rosemary lane through the espers cover. turns out it IS better than the jansch version. not a surprise. but still not as good as their cover of flaming telepaths from the same album. they also do durutti column and nico... which strikes me as exactly horsemouth's cup of tea.

but actually, he likes these stick up the wheel people. it seems they are very much flavour of the month - surely worth checking out what with the horsemouth seal of approval, no? '

(indeed horsemouth does like them and indeed he repeats his recommendation)

'erm... that's right, no. normally yes, but in this case no.

sorry, but they're a bit too hey nonny no for me. Moreover, they sound too hey nonny no... as if performed by chumbawumba!

a heinous offence, for which they will be shot when the revolution comes if I have any say in it (which I probably won't, but I will at least petition the soviets once they have spontaneously formed from the ruins of the old world. that will be sometime in late august I should expect, given the pace of anti-capitalist action set so far in 2016 by our chinese comrades from the finance sector)

looking forward to the next mix. African/brazillian sounds promising.’

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