Thursday 25 August 2016

several empty seats (horsemouth’s credibility is in shreds)

'We can't lift this block for any reason' (says facebook somewhat perplexingly)

horsemouth has been blocked from blogging temporarily (he presumes it's some glitch between an old copy of firefox and the mighty facebook. ah well. it's a hot day and horsemouth has very little to say anyway. he should go away and read more before he rushes to comment (and he can always do it on blogspot anyway). a friend has suggested it is all down to horsemouth's naughtiness - horsemouth is not sure what naughtiness he could have got up to your datamining lizard majesties bless bless bless your very beneficence and he would just like you to be aware how very very sorry he is.

the mail says horsemouth’s credibility is in shreds after he was seen walking passed several empty seats in first class despite not having a ticket for them. there were in fact many empty seats in first class but elsewhere povs were being glued to the outside of the train for their safety during the journey.

horsemouth eventually found a place sitting on the floor by a toilet - hunhh hunhh hunhh he’s sitting by a toilet said the media (anyone remember beavis and butthead).

as we all know (and repeat after me) there’s no such thing as overcrowding on trains.

last night horsemouth jammed with a singer and a double bass player (both very good) - he’d like to return and try it again, perhaps work up some repertoire. horsemouth is going to try to do some cleaning and tidying up before he goes while the heat is off (it should get sunny later). when he’s gone from here he’s temporarily broadbandless (kabelloslos) again.

after jamming (whilst consuming some wine and beer) horsemouth listened to a documentary about karen dalton - peter walker had the guitar she used to play.

the things horsemouth has got up to on his birthday list (continued)

2016 party at Eleonora's
2009 volunteering his labour (then party at Jiska and Marike's)
2008 staff meeting then art exhibition with martin
2007 quiet night in
2006 Valencia
2005 Brittany (Johnny Denise, Dave, Claudia and Graham)
2004 birthday in park
2003 recording round Graham's
2002 with Tim in Brussels before going to New York and Montreal
2001 birthday in bar outside San Sebastian
2000 can't remember
1999 on holiday in Portugal
1998 in Windsor Ontario with Mike and friends (Montreal visit)
1995 birthday drinks with Andy, Sten and Denise. (probably the first one I have records for).

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