Thursday 1 December 2016

drag me to hell - the casting of the runes - the hounds of love

she may be a tory but... 'two questions ... alone seem worth knowing about... the riddle of the miraculous gift that makes an artist... and... to comprehend... better the value and effect of his (sic.) works’

 says freud - horsemouth has butchered the quote a little (freud’s real interest was autobiography). er that and telepathy and the shakespeare -bacon controversy. or at least so says derrida (or nicholas royle in his after derrida).

last night horsemouth watched drag me to hell - ambitious bank girl evicts gypsy granny - gypsy granny curses her by stealing a button of her clothes - after seeking occult advice our heroine is advised she must pass it back and announce it as a gift. this is not quite as textual as night of the demon (based on m.r. james the casting of the runes) and this the source of the sample in kate bush's the hounds of love... but nearly.

(there’s even a train).

there’s also a thin(ish) subplot involving stolen files and workplace competitor. we are with farmgirl (with her elocution lessons and new coat) as she tries to keep her bourgois boyfriend in the face of maternal hostility. horsemouth suspects that friends will laugh in that as a university employee he is expected to have spare cash to fund her hiring occult professionals.

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