Monday 9 January 2017

‘the wisdom of near death experiences’ (what a difference a shelf makes)

horsemouth has survived to see in another morning (knocking on for three weeks after the winter solstice - and associated midwinter feasting/ festival of lights type jollies). we are now heading up towards the light once again. a few mornings ago horsemouth celebrated by going for a womble in the salt marshes with suburban bushwacker (keeping him from his dayjob of plumbing at ben’s). the frost was very pretty - he should do it more often.

whilst he was away horsemouth had persuaded daryll to put up some shelves -thus he has got a goodly percentage of his excessive storage up off the floor and onto one of the walls of his room (fortunately one of the ones without cracks in it indicative of future collapse). this just leaves him one wall (currently with boxes stacked against it) to put further shelving up on - and then he’s out of walls and will just have to live within his means (or institute a ‘one-in-one-out’ policy).

last night he watched the soviet version of hamlet - dir. grigori kozintzev - with innokenty smoktunevsky in the lead role. it was awesome (even though it swore off loads of the swear! stuff that horsemouth would have known from derrida). you see horsemouth has never read hamlet or been to see it at the theatre (he is an uncultured little barbarian). tarkovsky once pronounced boris pasternak’s translation of it unusable.

he also watched a somewhat weaker than usual new mexico set jacques tourneur/ val lewton shocker the leopard man - inferior to their cat people or I walked with a zombie - featuring repeated use of the ace of spades as the death card.

the night before he watched a portuguese movie on the crash - arabian nights vol 1 the restless one by miguel gomes, it is losely modeled on the storytelling of a thousand and one nights. he’ll have to think about it a bit before he can give you his comments.

the debate would probably be what wisdom does the near death of an economy produce.

other than that we have a quick visit to howard’s and a trip up to islington to bank a cheque, john has been back to visit from portugal and they bumped into an old colleague of his discussed AI. ok he’s just agreed to work tomorrow (otherwise he will be back into the thick of it next week).

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