Thursday 20 April 2017

‘they’re not wrong... they just can’t explain why they are right’

so opined suburban bushwacker of recent political events at breakfast (7am) . horsemouth just had coffee (and a glass of water).

horsemouth has returned to the seaside towns (did you miss him?), attended a meeting and then gone out for a post meeting pint (or three). his initial plan was just to go with one person but as a result of a failure of security (insufficient planning, lack of clarity about the goals) they ended up dragging the rest of the meeting out. they hid in the beer garden and shivered a bit before being driven back indoors to face their co-operators.

it’s not a bad pub (as far as pubs in the new london go) with a beer garden out back and decent fixtures and fittings (in the hipster style) inside (and decently cheap) . horsemouth believes that once upon a time it was the balls brothers port emporium - where gilbert and george once went to drink themselves stupid (and photograph themselves doing it).

horsemouth can afford a night out at the pub because he’s had two weeks (with only two bottles of beer) living abstemiously at his folks in the countryside, going for walks, reading the daily torygraph. his paycheck should be arriving soon. it’s the babysittee’s birthday.

if you count the trip to ireland planned for june horsemouth will have been out of the barrio for 55 days (slightly over one seventh of the year) - he, of course, wants to do better than this.

horsemouth has to get a band together to play a gig - his own stuff he thinks and some covers.

alice coltrane documentary (can't work out how to embed)

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