Tuesday 25 July 2017

fables of the above (the home counties posing as the universe)

so horsemouth is back to earth after his gig (he still feels a little strange though and has done for about a month now). today horsemouth is grumpy once again - this is so much more him. he feels like himself again. all it took was exposure to his fellow human beings in a meeting pretending to ‘decide’ things - can anything be truly ‘decided’? really?

the day before yesterday (sunday) he went round to martin’s famous roof garden for coffee (in fact shandy) with martin and andrew minty. there are plans to have a ‘jam’ at the end of the week. howard is away camping in alfriston (you may remember their visit there the year before last).

how our memory serves and fools us

w.h.hudson (victorian nature writer, gaucho and founder of the rspb) has read segei aksakov’s childhood... he praises it, saying it is difficult to recover childhood as it was (and not to recover it as adults would wish it to be).

similarly post reformation funeral monuments - there, upon the death of one of the couple, a funeral monument would be carved of them but one of them would continue to live (and often worship in the self-same church for many years) and age.

towards the end of the book hudson begins to read in earnest - but sadly an early attempt to write a family newspaper the tin box having fallen apart in inter-brother feuding.

sunday night horsemouth watched jacques peretti’s the super-rich and us- much more an account of securitisation and the growing inequality of society. the bailout money has gone to the super-rich and we will be paying off the interest on it (to them) until we die. as one commentator points out if it were a game you would just stop playing...

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