Friday 4 August 2017

'lazy as a toad and thick as mince'

so the leader of the leave campaign described david davis chief negotiator of brexit and a man from a family so lazy they couldn’t be bothered to give him a first name at any distance from his surname.

horsemouth is back from the sarf and east of the seaside towns where he went with howard to view art (it being a holiday and that). at the whitechapel art gallery - emanuel almborg’s talking hands (using footage from the zagorsk deaf-blind school in the 60ies) and a piece on a.s. neil and the summerhill school the majority never has the right on its side. pawel althamer’s self-portrait as the billy goat, ben drew and emma heart’s installations.

at the white cube bermondsey dreamers awake - a group show themed around women and surrealism - they bumped into martin and juliette. horsemouth (somewhat) missed the point arguing that sexuality in the surrealism in its first incarnation was dangerous, compulsive, intended to shock. (the correct response to a surrealist exhibition would not be contemplation but to form a lynch mob). this exhibition has good manners (which is a problem).

horsemouth liked the leonora carrington (decently mad), paloma varga weiss, the eva kot’atkova, mona hatoum. the rest of it moved him not a millimeter (ok there were other things he liked but he can't remember them right now).

thereafter horsemouth and howard adjourned to the pub - then, deciding to go out and help max celebrate his birthday, they went and got a pizza (and for horsemouth an espresso to enable him to keep going) in franca manca, and thence to the george. (that about wipes horsemouth out financially for the weekend)

horsemouth made it home by bus. he has developed an interest in tim buckley (many years too late).


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