Monday 6 November 2017

horsemouth survives (he abides)

the photo at the top of the horsemouth folk archive blogpost is from horsemouth's old flat. the one at the top of his google page is from howard’s flat from a few years ago.

horsemouth types this on a keyboard with most of the letters erased (yes that’s a ‘y’ there, the k has survived, the q,w,z, the p). strangely it isn’t slowing him down much. he’s done his monday morning - he’s in the library.

the social psychology of obedience - horsemouth is most obedient (even to unjust authority, particularly to unjust authority because he regards it as dangerous, this is the tragedy of his nature). surrounded by anarchists and animal rightists he was capable of many things - now he struggles to be practically invisible.

horsemouth needs to get new strings for his acoustic (steel strung guitars) - and he needs to get some new tunes up and running (or go bakc and relearn some old ones).

there’s the ford fiesta advert which says everything is changing and then shows us the miniscule changes in the style of things (one that cannot hide their essential technological sameness) - a chopper, becomes a fixie, becomes a racer (so what). horsemouth only regrets it is too late for ben to stick in his movie. for horsemouth the answer to every question is bookshaped. reality looks book shaped. at one point in his life horsemouth must have been given a book and it must have seemed like the answer to everything.

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