Friday 24 November 2017

‘one of the charms of photographs (is) that they include things unknown to their maker, things which he himself must discover’

so remarks kracauer in his theory of film: the redemption of physical reality (which - when horsemouth plucks up the courage to read it - is going excellently. we are moving on from photography - all fox talbot, muyerbridge etc. - and over into the world of moving pictures - between the presiding genii of lumiere and melies - lu(m(el)ie)re(S)) .

La Jetée from Orélie Nada on Vimeo.

the plot of la jetée is of course thing discovered and the means of the reveal is (in a photo);

 “ this is the story of a man, marked by an image from his childhood. the violent scene that upset him, and whose meaning he was to grasp only years later, happened on the main jetty at orly, the paris airport, sometime before the outbreak of world war III. ”

what does it mean that the document of memory is a photo? (a atory frozen in time) what does it mean that it acquires meaning later? what does it mean when foucault quotes althusser at the start of the archeology of knowledge? horsemouth will have to think more about ben's running of time backwards...

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