Friday 29 December 2017

'he tells a strange story... about harry smith’s spirit haunting the anthology basement..'

John Fahey - Yttrium Festival, Chicago 1996 from Tyler Hubby on Vimeo.

'he tells a strange story... about harry smith’s spirit haunting the anthology basement. steps would be heard. film cans would suddenly fly off shelves. he arranged an exorcism to get rid of the spirit but cancelled the exorcism, deciding that he should let harry’s spirit... stay put...'

harry smith alive was an awkward cuss (and an awkward tenant for jonas mekas and the film anthology), dead he was no less so. but as soon as the exorcism was cancelled his spirit became calm (true to the spirit of his pranksterism).

ginsberg went to sit with his body in the morgue (that’s what probably triggered it off).

horsemouth’s back is a bit rubbish at the minute (too much time spent lolling about on the internet - he has found john fahey wearing dark glasses in a dark room and playing lap steel, he has found marjorie cameron, a film of her made by curtis harrington soundtracked by philip harland and leona wood).

he’s debating whether to stay out in the wilds a bit longer (or return to the seaside towns) to see in the new year.

the tracks from the most recent musicians of bremen recordings have come through (howard has been busy)- horsemouth is giving them a good listen.

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