Tuesday 10 April 2018

two ghost images of john fahey

sunday horsemouth made it out to meet up with andrew minty and jam. they played all their standards (and surprisingly played and sang them at least as well as when they’ve practiced) sometimes our dreams (float like anchors), peace in the valley, power in the blood, how great thou art, mojo working, catfish blues, power in the blood... horsemouth played his version of satan (your kingdom must come down) and took his new guitar - howard’s old guitar the one he recorded musicians of bremen volume 2 with.

it felt good to be playing again.

 there were tarot cards - horsemouth beset by worries (ten of swords), changes approaching (tower struck down), a process of justice underway, horsemouth the page of wands...

they then (after much prevarication) hightailed it over to siobhan’s (siobhan, sam - the other sam, lisa) and played some more - river of jordan (or somesuch) struck horsemouth particularly , there was some nice interplay of voices. horsemouth attempted rain and snow which siobhan joined in with knowing it from the pentangle version (where horsemouth first learnt it - hmmmn).

a few nights ago (as horsemouth prepared for bed) he was playing his copy of fahey’s womblife - he stores it in the packaging for days have gone by - the lights shone on fahey’s image and two ghost images of john fahey appeared on the wall.


today - anna kavan day, anniversary of one of howard’s mixes.

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