Friday 28 September 2018

o baby please, don’t you rock, my boat, cause I don’t, want my boat,to be rocked

somewhere in horsemouth’s facebook feeds a self-described immigrant bemoans the insanity and racism of brexit (in frankly symbionese terms death to the fascist insect that preys on the minds of the people) elsewhere a dutch friend bemoans the if that’s what they want then that’s what they must have attitude of the labour party to brexit (and their concomitant fantasy of lexit).

of course brexit really needed two things - a disgruntled left-behind sector of the population, fearful and battered by austerity (tick) and some tory (or indeed labour) grandees offering to take care of them (tick). both are signs of political infantilism - there is no taking care of anybody where we are going - the tory grandees know this, for them it is an opportunity to finish thatcher’s work by having a brutal and protracted round of economic and social shock therapy.

now horsemouth knows (never mind how he knows) that what appealed to iain duncan smith and the likes about the brexit issue was how much it appealed to the people on the estates - people he had previously regarded as politically unreachable.

the labour grandees think (and horsemouth admires the realpolitik of this) that there is no standing in the way of the great british people’s stupidity best to just let the bus crash and pick up the pieces afterwards (when the remorse and regret has kicked in). at that point labour is the only game in town. er... except horsemouth thinks ts this won’t actually work - for in this the tories are right for when the wheels come off people will not admit they were wrong - when faced by the consequences of their folly they will double down.

so what about the filthy unprincipled middle ground- while no doubt economically comfortable for horsemouth and his ilk (so you’ve got low(ish) wages, low social reproduction, poor pubic transport but you’ve also got the opportunity to earn money in an expensive place and spend it in a cheap place - don’t knock the foreign holiday - and don’t forget the seemingly never ending supply of pretty girls from foreign lands with a good command of english).

the arguments for staying with europe (and fairplay it was heading towards a european super-state with reduced national sovereignty) are strictly on the don’t rock the boat level - after the 2008 collapse you’d think people would know that it’s a bad idea to rock the boat (o baby please, don’t you rock, my boat, cause I don’t, want my boat,to be rocked) but no - they’ve instituted a round of boat rocking.

here horsemouth (and remember he’s supposed to be some sort of filthy communist) is lining up with the euro wing of capital as opposed to a buccaneer existence on the high seas of principle with a bunch of jaded tory coffin-cheaters in fascist uniforms (blithering on about free trade, free speech, the evils of identity politics and fuck me its going to be awful). once more into the breach of reaction.

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