Tuesday 6 November 2018

a few things had to happen (zombie nation)

a few things had to happen for horsemouth to make his discovery

first someone in horsemouth's hood had to potlatch out their old copies of new left review

second horsemouth had to fail to find his preferred book this morning and so selected a volume of the above from the stacks in his rush to get out the door -

finally he had to have the long slow bus journey back...

and what should he read in julian stallabrass's article on the mute magazine anthology 'proud to be flesh'. (you will remember horsemouth has an article in it zombie nation).  the quote here has been doctored to assist his anonymity.

'her (josephine berry's) concerns were shared by horsemouth in an essay on the close connection between enterprises selling film and music, as the commodity basis of those media is challenged, and the art world move to 'relational aesthetics' in which social interactions are taken as artworks. horsemouth's essay put the problem sharply because art and business have been emulating each other closely, and the gap is shrinking from both ends.' 

cue horsemouth doing his "I'm a published author' dance - once again he wishes to thank his mute (and non-mute friends) josie, anthony, ben, matthew, anya, tim,denise, martin denyer, darsavini, is there anyone he's forgotten? for encouraging him on this path and providing him with the opportunity to vent.

he is reminded of the time one of his other mute articles was one of the sources for an art lecture he was attending - fortunately is co-workers and the client failed to notice. (otherwise it might have been embarrassing).

it’s all available online anyway - www.metamute.org

meanwhile the nation stomps on towards the finishing line of brexit (yes, like a zombie). and afterwards? we’ll be out in the fields picking potatoes.

horsemouth should hurry up and sort out his set for saturday (he’d forgotten he has the devil to p(l)ay).

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