Tuesday 1 January 2019

first post (fd18) - happy new year 2019 (proforma)

horsemouth is reusing this proforma from last year.

horsemouth did only one gig last year he has one planned for this year so far. hopefully he will organise more (or at least let himself agree to them).

he hopes to do some recording (but he has none planned currently) howard has a raft of new songs perhaps they will get on with recording these. there’s a proposal to record a cycle of 4ths (reversed this would make a cycle of 5ths), then again with a 7th, then again with a 7sharp 9 - this appeals to horsemouth as it is a rules based system. there was a plan to record one of his poems as well - which he failed to get done last year - perhaps he'll get it done this year.

the stuff with andrew minty, morven and siobhan has gone quietish - in part this is horsemouth’s fault for bailing early to the countryside. he wanted to do more of this. perhaps he will in 2019.

he will keep writing (the drawing and the photography seem to have died back for the minute).

work continues to roll on ok(ish) - horsemouth is paying into a pension (so he can probably permit himself this money out of his other savings - this is his theory anyway), he should probably diversify his sources of work (he didn’t last year and he probably won’t this year - he’s a bit lazy).

financially things are tight (beyond impossible) squeezed between rising rent and stagnant wages. being poor (and pinching those pennies) is getting horsemouth down. he walks as much as he can, he gets the bus as much as he can (this is actually not suffering - he’d get a bike but he doesn’t fancy cycling in london), he eats out rarely and yet he has failed to take sandwiches to work, or a flask of coffee, or the bus to his parents (etc.).

his homestead (the gaff) - horsemouth remains very pleased with (it has been - so far - almost entirely hassle free). he’s nearly covered all the walls with bookshelving. the raised bed permits better hoarding.

politically horsemouth expects it all to continue to be fucking rubbish, to come to a crisis... and then drag on forever. he apologises to his EU friends.

micro-politically (the communal endeavour) as long as there are no great clashes of personalities (which of course there will be) it may be possible to get on with creating more housing at social rent. horsemouth is hopeful (which is always dangerous) so eyes on the prize and keep your nose out of the shit that doesn’t concern you horsemouth.

horsemouth has, since last summer, been putting himself about a bit more, but probably not enough, hopefully it will all pay off.

 right, on with the year. (meanwhile, howard has been busy)

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