Wednesday 19 June 2019

horsemouth should probably get out of the country (leviathan will fight behemoth)

at first horsemouth read this in a strictly timetabling sense but then it dawned on him that in fact it had a deeper political meaning.

a friend was discussing doing a runner (going into voluntary political exile) in disgust at the situation, but to horsemouth it is disgusting everywhere. the you who lives in exile speaking a different language is not you, it is necessarily a different you. for many people this is a bonus.

horsemouth was reading dubravka ugresic’s ministry of pain again - the exiles/ the survivors cannot get comfortable, they cannot begin again.

 ‘we see that all life has been preserved here, but at a price which is dearer than life itself, because the strength required for self-defence and survival was borrowed from future generations, who were thus been overburdened.the brute instinct to defend life won out in this struggle but life itself lost so much that little was left it other than its name.' - ivo andric, signs by the roadsides.

this is the sense in which ugresic uses the quote - but for andric (at the founding of the yugoslav project) it was about overcoming the weaknesses of the belgrade people created by ottoman domination.

soon the competition will be whittled down to two tory ‘leadership’ contenders - leviathan will fight behemoth for the affections of the tory party faithful (a japanese monster movie for an audience of zombies, though one may be a minnow and another moby dick). and then the beast will be imposed on us as pasha and despot.

the brave monster will suspend parliament to effect a no deal brexit. but perhaps this is not even necessary - parliament has already stripped itself of the powers and (even with rory stewart leading the charge from methodist hall) will not be able to seize back control of the process once the deed is actually done - screw your courage to the sticking place etc.. 

 ‘ If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly:’ 

the brave monster will have cut the gordian knot, and, riding the tiger of the subsequent chaos, will have a free hand (a grateful and shell-shocked nation etc.). the monster has license to suspend - and such suspensions have a habit of being extended - til 8th may 2022, or perhaps beyond (if it is considered necessary). of course this will not be to everyone’s taste. blitz spirit, keep calm and carry on etc.

we should watch the upcoming tory leadership race carefully - it may be our last taste of such things for a while.

conversely, the monster might suspend article 50 and crystallize the losses of a failed brexit, promising to get back to the negotiating table toute bloody suite. but is this not in fact sailing back into troubled waters?

should the monster fail every hand will be lifted against it, its enemies, its rivals, its former supporters, its former friends - the tory party can only wait for the moment of maximum opprobrium and then mercilessly sacrifice the beast. (indeed we have recently witnessed something like this). in exile and opposition the tory party will lick its wounds (and live to fight another day).

the key question is are the DUPpies really prepared to bring down the tories?

their successors (on that glorious day, 8th of May 2022, or nearer, or in the far socialist future) will inherit a poisoned chalice of post-industrial proportions.

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