Friday 13 September 2019

back to the wen (again)

horsemouth is back with you. back to the pyramids and the transmitters.
weather better friday, saturday, sunday, thereafter sunny in the morning 21-22.

by better horsemouth means warmer and sunnier (even though he has fled the hottest days of the year in the seaside towns for several years now).

he returns from the summer holidays with a decentish tan, having recorded some music and having read some books and watched some movies (he has also taken the time to keep this blog (and horsemouth archive) going though he has done no other writing that he can recall). the music he is proud of - the best yet he modestly opines (next key date - howard’s half term in about 6 weeks time). 

he’s been conducting a survey of how his friends listen to their music in this the modern digital age (and having read how the music got free on the rise of mp3). he suspects CD again (a physical thing that people can hold onto) and various other digital means (to be decided). it’s a way away though - a 2020 release.

while he has been at his parents he has listened to the new tracks through only once or twice (it is good to get one’s ears out of the project once in a while), instead he has listened to whatever came along. he’s already missed the opportunity to work by being out of town (this is a good sign - he could do with making more money this year than last year).

horsemouth’s wages have effectively been stagnant (and insufficient) for a number of years now - they are however paying into a pension for him (which is jolly nice of them, or will be, should he ever get there, should ‘there’ not move ever further away like a dangling carrot).

in his time at his parents - many wanders on the common, more reading of the torygraph, tv in the evening bbc4 - archeology, hill-walking etc.

while he was away gavin barwell (the butcher of grenfell) was made the right honourable gavin barwell, the governments suspension of parliament was ruled unlawful (in a a scottish court). the clock ticked down on brexit - the clock ticked towards a brexit election - the clock ticked down on global warming.

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