Saturday 19 October 2019

‘the croak of the raven was not heard’

so paradise was described in the epic of gilgamesh. horsemouth thinks is will be a pretty poor paradise without ravens. he picked this up from the introduction to utopia where various sources for utopia are discussed - travelers’s tales, descriptions of paradise etc.

on sundays horsemouth goes to practice johnny remember me, painbirds, dance me (to the end of love), he’s not sure what else. horsemouth’s temptation is to keep it short and sweet.

last saturday he watched two episodes of spirals 7. he did a walk over to the supermarket in the fields, he ate a cheap pizza covered in mushrooms, peppers and onions, and later he ate a vegetarian paella thoughtfully made by sten ok no sten says it was a risotto). they drank a bottle of beer. they watched a documentary about amy winehouse. the news is fucking terrible. the fucking of syria continues. the kurds are fleeing or being slaughtered because the US president is fuckwit child. at least it shows the utter futility of being ‘progressive’ and cosying up to the west (as does the position of turkey interestingly enough). brexit rolls towards god knows what.

last sunday johnny remember me went well, painbirds went well, dance me (to the end of love) went well, fairytale of new york was a bit of a car crash but they have established a key and the broad outlines of it and it should all sort out next time. the get carter theme was not practiced.

horsemouth is back home with a cup of tea - he likes the peace. elsewhere the drama of the world continues (mental patients fighting cuckoos etc.). people like to repeat their patterns. there are no accidents just the elaboration of the deep plan of the subconscious using the cast available at that point in time.

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