Monday 25 November 2019

the revelation of the unknown sonority

horsemouth is up and about. his booking for the day has cancelled already (possibly something to do with university lecturers). he still gets paid. there’s a chance he will be posted off to foreign climes but if not he will take the opportunity to do his (unpaid) paperwork and possibly ferry it in to work too (also unpaid).

 he now has 13 days left to work (and for certain one of those is only an hour long).

yesterday was the last rehearsal with peter, paul, and enza. it went well, then they had dinner (thanks for feeding him) and had a last run through (it went even better, possibly the best yet). of course in musician mythology this means the gig will be terrible.

after horsemouth retreated to his home and listened to led zeppelin 3 (the folky one). everything moves in the direction of 12/12 (the election). much hangs upon it. we will see the results on friday 13th (horsemouth’s last day at work (for this year) probably).

thereafter howard works and goes for christmas with friends - horsemouth will probably depart sharpish to his folks and then return early to get in some work on musicians of bremen volume 4 with howard over the week of the new year. howard is then back to work and horsemouth may have a few smidgens throughout january (but not anything full on).

so what dis horsemouth get up to on saturday?

well he wandered over the fields to aldi (asda- fka. ‘supermarket in the fields’ you are dead to me). he bought 2 cheap pizzas, 1.5kgs of pasta, 3 tins of cannellinni beans (there being no chickpeas, red kidney or butter beans to be had). the day before he’d picked up 3 boxes of linda mccartney sauasages for three squid at a sainsbury’s local in funky kingston so he had the fakemeat covered. he’d also picked up a 5kg bag of onions from his local greengrocer. he got some tomatoes and carrots to go with that and his remaining potatoes. he finished off a 3 bean stew that ian had left (thanks dude - delicious it was).

then he got a phonecall from howard and high-tailed it over to the murder mile for two-and-a-half pints, they had to curtail their drinking so that horsemouth could go babysitting. howard reminded him he had once recorded a song called india song (but not the same one as jeanne moreau sings above). he babysat. they watched pinnocchio - which horsemouth can freely admit he has never seen all the way through. (spoiler - the naughty children are turned into donkeys.)

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