Thursday 20 February 2020

horsemouth has a cough (unusual for the time of year)

part of the reason why he is coughing so much this morning is that he drank too much beer last night (once again horsemouth was king of the let’s have another one party - though to be fair myk did start it off). he went to see gwenifer raymond and doctor turtle play,

thanks to john clarkson for steering him in the direction of a free ticket courtesy of analog planet (website of the discerning hi-fi buff), he would have taken a +1 of you but it was short notice. it was good to see mike, lou, and myk there.

to repay the universe for his free ticket horsemouth bought a gwenifer raymond t-shirt. which he is now wearing  (horsemouth buying clothing?)

horsemouth arrived during doctor turtle’s set (which was nice - well played dude). gwenifer did a good long set and seems to have stopped being monosyllabic (horsemouth was a little shocked), we were treated to two new numbers played live for the first time, some great banjo pieces. if horsemouth has a criticism it is that the material veered towards the night train to valhalla end of things rather than the on the sunny side of the ocean side of things. still thanks john/ analog planet/ everybody - a good night out.

on the way back horsemouth got a bag of chips.

a friend of horsemouth was asking for recommendations in the folk music field. horsemouth recommended jacken elswyth (who he knew from the weirdshire connection - and he knew them from the wild hare club connection ans so on). and then it turns out his friend already knows jacken. (phew cor-bloody hell, small world, seven degrees of separation and less in the radical world). here's another split cassette tape and digital download from jacken. once again it is most excellent.

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