Wednesday 23 September 2020

a broken zither (the untuned lyre)

so horsemouth went round suke’s. lovely flat (cheers for the food). and they recorded. suke on drums mostly (a wonderful toy drum kit courtesy of andrew coram), horsemouth on guitar, ayesha’s banjolin, and a broken zither (courtesy of max). an antique and a broken one (the top plate has split, buckled and lifted blocking about half of the harp strings). 26 strings in the harp/ 5 strings in the 'guitar' by j.b. westermair (munchen) then 1a reichenbach strasse. 

the zither gave great swirling round inside a piano noise (but was considerably more portable). they recorded two improv’ed pieces (the march and the collapse of the tower), suke stereo panned the zither and also produced a sped up version of collapse of the tower. suke’s school recorder also made its way in there - tootling through the apocalypse. 

horsemouth then played a version of darktown strutter’s ball renamed high-rise strutter’s ball, guitar, banjolin, various voices, trumpet impersonation. suke on drums. of course for the party scene they still need lots of blah-blah -blah type speech. they still need the flaming sword motif and an aftermath for after the tower has collapsed. suke may have a piece for the aftermath. 

horsemouth wandered there across vicky park and the green bridge (and later he wandered back). humanity you are gorgeous in the sun (especially you two youth and beauty) but you should probably consider staying in more. what horsemouth needs to do is to learn to relax and enjoy the journey more. 

ok forward to the 26 th and the blocking rehearsal. today. horsemouth needs to go and bank a cheque (and he could probably do with going and collecting some PPE from work). he could also do with sending some emails to work out how the week’s work is going to be done. after yesterday’s sunshine and beauty the weather has suddenly gone all grey and rubbish.

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