‘creating and editing notes will be unavailable after October 31... published notes will stay published on your timeline’’
we have entered the last month of horsemouth’s blogging on facebook and talking easily to his habitual audience.
horsemouth derives pleasure from the blog in three ways - when he writes it, when he reads it again, when others tell him they have read it. he likes the longform of it, he likes having different years to compare it with, see, in 2016 horsemouth was reading this...
ok so what has he been up to lately...
horsemouth returns from the dancing about architecture sessions down in plague ridden pop(u)lar. the mayor of tower hamlets has issued advice that people should refrain from visiting each others homes (suke, enza and horsemouth found themselves unable to take that advice). horsemouth consoles himself with the notion that he is in fact staying in most of the time, working from home (as much as he can), only emerging to shop for food or for exercise, that he has in fact stayed in lockdown. this makes sense to him - he’s an old mule in his 50ies, he has no desire to catch it and die, or even to get sick.
the day went well and horsemouth and enza had an excellent time dressing up in costumes and arranging party scenes of various creatures. horsemouth hopes suke enjoyed herself as dp - director of photography, charged with marshaling her unruly charges and working out what of their ravings could be filmed. it will take a lot more work to cut it all together (and indeed to find out if they have all the footage they need).
suke and enza will meet soon. then paul and suke will meet. and then all three will meet to finish it off.
having fed them during the day enza sent them out of the door pleasantly drunk (in horsemouth’s case on mulled wine, in suke’s case on some cherry concoction). they exchanged musics for a bit until horsemouth discovered an old punk compilation (antipasti no government) and some reggae (54-46 bye bye toots) and they all began dancing. this finally overwhelmed enza’s patience and she sent them on their way.
after an excellent day of raving and gibbering (in various costumes) horsemouth slept deeply and awoke well into the comedown stage, the mania is abating leaving only remorse and vague guilt. life cannot be as beautiful as our dreams (even when one is wearing a mask that is ones own face and cannot see where one is going, even when one is weaving a magic spell).
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