Friday 27 November 2020

light is pretty fast (halfway between samhain and the winter solstice) the desert fathers

sadly the signal is only radiating out at the speed of light (unless we can open a trans-dimensional gateway (again)). snail mail. what we really  need an einstein podolsky rosen bridge or a paired tachyon communicator (utilising bell's theorem). once again the limits of space travel become apparent to horsemouth (he feels so held back).  

horsemouth begins his day with the great tuli kupferberg (the fugs) morning morning harmonized here by sisters joan baez and mimi farina. then it went on to a radio set by richard and mimi farina's radiated out into the cosmos. 

but this is not true horsemouth actually began his day with a car or van honking away in the street at about 6am. he got up. got out of bed. opened the downstairs door and climbed up into the morning to ascertain if it was sten's hire van. it was. but fortunately sten was already up and out a little further up the road yelling into his mobile phone (so horsemouth didn't have to go wake him). 

horsemouth has a slight sore throat (he thinks it's just a cold or something - but then he would wouldn't he). sean has been in touch (so he's alive then). horsemouth has been reading james sallis, which is very m.john harrison avant la lettre. 

last night he watched more uriah heep (everybody can play and sing and there's no lack of talent on stage). it's a very disciplined band. 

yesterday an unexpected work failure. hopefully it will all go ok today and horsemouth can end the week feeling productive. we are halfway between samhain  and the winter solstice. 

horsemouth watched a clip and read a piece about a guy who lives without money (daniel suelo). sleeping in a cave and dumpster diving for food (with a little light foraging thrown in - well he does live in the desert). he describes the liberation he felt leaving his life savings in a phone booth and just walking away. the internet came along, he could go to the library and blog, he was someone with a story to tell. a desert father. 

later (about 2016) he had to move back to his parents to take care of them (and to take up stewardship of their money). - he seems to be adjusting ok to this (building bike trailers and alike).

horsemouth is less interested in his god and natural selection and pay-it-forward stuff than in his critique of the alienation  money makes possible (the very thing horsemouth likes about it).

horsemouth's plans very much involve his life savings - they are the thing that (will) make him not dependent upon working. this means they cannot threaten him with unemployment. he could live in porto (or somewhere in the sunny south) on about half the rent that he pays to stay in the seaside towns (and probably the same again for food). he could stretch this out (off and on) until pension day (when he becomes state aidable again - living costs anywhere in the world (currently) plus housing costs in the uk).   

he at least has a plan b. (and - truth be told - he has a plan b to that)

horsemouth is kind of on a clock with work and living in the seaside towns. 

except he's not - he's on a negative clock, when the decision is made then he will know that the clock has been ticking. 

at the end of next week he will have been paid his rent for the year april to april (in a large part down to furlough). he will even make the rent for that week. it now looks like work for the year will finish up on the 11th (and nothing of the 'travel-in' variety from the 9th.) 

horsemouth has struggled with the year and work (but then he always struggles). instead of having a meltdown trying to get to the booking on-time/ find the student / get registers signed, he's having a meltdown with Teams links and laptop stability. really it's the same thing. he doesn't like to work. he has a problem with authority. 

what he does need to do is start downsizing to permit himself to move (when the charity shops re-open)

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