Tuesday 17 November 2020

shopping (scenes from a marriage)

horsemouth is back from the supermarket (aldi). on the way in he noticed there was a homeless girl with her dog sitting on the floor outside in the sun (such as it was). when horsemouth came out she was gone.  horsemouth had passed some homeless dudes in the park.on his way back two of them were moving on (a rucksack and granny stroller each) and the third (an old feller) was sat up on the bench and being checked on by an ambulance crew. the park is on the junction opposite the brand new apartment blocks and commuter station. 

such are the giant strides being made in the care for the elderly and the homeless. 

horsemouth continues to hoard/ stockpile/ prepare for the apocalypse. e.g. he has 5.5l of banks' bitter, about 3kg of spaghetti and other pasta, a similar amount of rice, 2.6kgs of museli, 2kgs of yoghurt, 27 cans of red kidney/ butter/ canellini beans or chick peas and about a kilo each of carrots and potatoes.. on his next shopping expedition he will get a bag of onions (they keep). 

remind him to eat the carrots. he's not as fond of them as he should be. 

last night he watched ingmar bergan's scenes from a marriage - complacent bourge couple destroy their marriage in search of  love, there's an excellent montage scene showing the wife being socialised to be agreeable as a child (which could have come from any feminist book of the time) and then later there's some spousal abuse (which may shock younger viewers). eventually it all ends well. with a perfect cake and eating it scene. some of the scenes are from bergman's own marriage(s). 

yesterday work went well (as far as horsemouth can tell). today no work. tomorrow probably no work either (horsemouth should make sure people realize this is the case). thursday no work (hopefully). friday work and the release of something that horsemouth is forbidden from mentioning until it has been released. the plan is to ship the students home after december 9th so any labs and face-to-face stuff has to be got out of the way before then (or postponed until semester 2). consequently horsemouth has only a few more weeks when they can send him anywhere. then horsemouth will hunker down to see if he can assure himself he's ok to return to his parents for christmas. 

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