Thursday 19 November 2020

the fall of the house of fitzgerald (the launch of the UFO)


the fall of the house of fitzgerald has finally been released (so horsemouth can show it to you without getting an earful from his co-directors). north of 60 likes so far (of which about 12 are from horsemouth's side of the church). he did a kind of fake facebook event for friday evening so that he can chat to anyone who's interested in it and to enable him to spam his friends with the link. he also stuck it up on the musicians of bremen facebook page. .

he had great fun doing it (but he suspects catasto/fille aka suke had less fun and more work editing it. thank you).

it features music from  sounds of furore, horsemouth(folk) himself, martin jackson of confyde (who does a great electric fahey type thing), Вадим Померанцев (horsemouth has no idea how that's even said - he'll have to ask - ok vadim pomerantsev (no no the actor)) and musicians of bremen. he hopes you like it. 

today. a day off (officially) but horsemouth may still have to take a Teams meeting at some stage. last night to follow on from the ingmar bergman and paradjanov series, horsemouth has discovered a whole raft of herzog movies on youtube. he watched wings of hope. a plane crashes in the amazon, a young girl survives, her parents are ecologists so she understands the jungle and its real dangers, she follows the water until she finds a river and then she floats downstream until she finds people.

it looks like horsemouth's little netbook has finally bitten the dust (the mouse/ trackpad feature has stopped working) maybe horsemouth could plug in  an exterior mouse. it means carting the full sized work computer about (tomorrow for example when horsemouth goes to work - face to face). 

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