Tuesday 24 November 2020

we are climbing up the hill of winter (and we must climb down the other side too)

recorded this day in 1971

in his dream horsemouth was up the pub with marike. they were being adults and giving an advice and guidance session to a youngster. (HINT. don't take any advice from horsemouth, he really does know  nothing). horsemouth was bragging about lots of historical events, the (in)famous people he knew etc. er. back in the day etc.  

anyway. he's up now. 

last night a zoom meeting on the state of the co-operative (horsemouth almost forgot about it). he worked in the morning. he attends a meeting this morning and then travels and works this afternoon. 

last night a documentary on the disproportionate deaths of BAME people (and BAME health workers in particular) during the pandemic. it is of course racism rather than race that leads to poverty and poor public health, it is the disproportionate presence of BAME people in lower patient-facing roles in the health service, they are poorer so they take more shifts, that leads to increased exposure (and thus increased death). 

but now everybody gets a risk assessment (woopie!) so everything is of course better. 

horsemouth is of the opinion that if white people were dying disproportionately then a motley crew of strangely BAME employees would soon be rounded up and shipped off towards the guns (but then he digresses). 

perhaps he is wrong. maybe the ruling class don't even give that much of a shit. we have had the great government fuck up in the provision of PPE now we move on through the great government fuck up in test, track and trace towards the great government fuck up in getting people vaccinated. 

this will of course be followed by a few hard rounds of austerity (e.g. no pay rises to match inflation in the public sector real-terms wage cuts) leading to increased poor public health just in time for the next novel virus. and of course there's the double tap of brexit.

horsemouth is glad to be out of it. except he's not out of it. he's leading a strange ubikstyle existence where he ghosts up once in a while and gets on a train to go to work. the rest of the time he is working from home on technology he does not understand. 

horsemouth worries about falling ill this late in the game (we are climbing up the hill of winter and we must climb down the other side too). at the weekend he babysat (too many people). this afternoon he gets on a train (too many people) and tomorrow too. and that will be his appetite for risk done. 

and then it's just next week (really).

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