Thursday 10 December 2020

fluxtherapy day 6 (now the pain comes in)

december 10th the play ubu roi (by jarry) opens.


december 10th the play ubu roi  (by jarry) closes.

most effective play ever!

 'stretching begins late in the afternoon. george looks more symmetrical when he lies down. I am full of thoughts but I don't know how much I should say to him. how much I should take for granted, where responsibility begins and ends. if inexperience and ignorance don't betray me, we may carry out our drama with some aplomb. perhaps neither of us is as afraid as we should be.'

more distracting talk from george, a journey round greece by boat, the birthday box (again), the films (again), political activity in the 60ies, a moment of honesty 'now the pain comes in.'

'I am easily irritated. his talk seems like pointless chatter. he's quite for a while, then scratches his right ear. he asks if it's dark outside. he's getting impatient, thinking of dinner...

on sunday we travel to NYC by bus.'

horsemouth is up and he's had coffee. sten is out the door and away to work. last night a visit from sean. 'how's your brexit going?' asked sten. 'excellent!' replied sean. 'a border in the irish sea (as it should be).' 

this morning? a socialy distanced walk with tim goldie (new neighbour) maybe. afternoon work. 

this day in 1971 phil ochs (and others) performs at the free john sinclair rally in detroit. 

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