Wednesday 2 December 2020

horsemouth realises he is in the wrong place at the wrong time (again)

yesterday a ghost booking. one where horsemouth realises he is in the wrong place at the wrong time (once again). 

he hates these because he hates letting people down. in this sense his prayers (to get rid of both face-to-face bookings) were answered (but not in the way he would have chosen). he could do without the journeys over there.  if he'd been less trusting and less lazy and driven more defensively he would have escaped it.

'ah well! these things happen!' was not what he said at the time. 

he won't know until friday if that's him for the year (he does hope so).

on this day in 1851 (ok maybe tomorrow)  the goncourt brothers began to keep their journal. they wrote it jointly (one dictating the other writing). they would often make notes on their cufflinks as the evening progressed people got more and more drunk and more and more indiscrete (and things generally went from bad to worse). they write as 'we'. 

they begin by witnessing the coup d'etat of napoleon III. 

the goncourts were nobles, frustrated novelists, in a position to fund their own literary magazine (unlike their rival zola who arguably took their techniques and had the greatest success with them). in revenge they begin their journal. 

there is great consolation in writing. look at this. even better - blogspot's title?
'horsemouth realises he is in wrong'  (are you my superego? mutters horsemouth). 

what was mere rage and despair (and all over something of no great significance) becomes something that can be looked at dispassionately. its poison drawn. horsemouth over-reacts to these things because of his imposter syndrome (something he has tried to escape by becoming pseudonymous, or a cartoon mule). 

at work a problem continues to be intractable. but at least there is some real effort to resolve it (this marks a change from earlier years).   

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