Sunday 3 January 2021

a regretable situation in the schools

actual daily torygraph headline (saturday 2nd january 2021).

yesterday horsemouth dealt with the hmrc thing (he hopes). he also went for a walk on the common (which was exceptionally beautiful) and read a little of balzac's  a village doctor  but then a dark grey cloud filled up the sky and it began to hail (by the time horsemouth made it home it was merely snowing). 

last night amazing grace - aretha franklin does gospel (that's an amazing voice but that's an amazing ensemble performance too). it has horsemouth in tears at several points (it goes deep). sometimes you notice she has a cough. 

he reads joan didion's 'on keeping a notebook' online (well most of it). 

tomorrow horsemouth does some working from home (well that's the plan anyway).  today (low grey cloud and the remnants of snow) a walk on the common again. at some point he should attempt a discussion of hannah arendt's attitude to hobbes (hobbes from the darkside, hobbes as theorist of bourgeois subjectivity). 

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