Thursday 11 February 2021

the thing with the eyes

horsemouth does not have a title for this piece yet (maybe one will come to him as he writes/ types). 

he had planned to listen to don campau's jazz show on kows (weds 9pm GMT) but in the end he got distracted. he's been looking for a free copy of the masque of the red death (roger corman/ vincent price) when he came across of copy of the tome of ligeia (roger corman/ vincent price). 

this reads as if it were written with a pen in one hand and a copy of  mourning and melancholia by freud in the other. and what it shows are the consequences of failing to do that work - of becoming stuck (of living in a ruined abbey, of having the wife buried at the bottom of the garden). there is hypnotism too (the thing with the eyes) . a discussion of the works of mesmer.

there are other 'works' to be done of course - the work of attachment, the work of enjoyment. but merely to label things 'work' is enough to ensure that horsemouth will try to get out of doing them. 

today it is very cold out (according to horsemouth's father who has been outside). horsemouth has his coffee and sits here hugging a radiator. he's going to go for a second round on the coffee please wait here for him. 

ah he's back. (actually he wrote that before he went away). 

he's gone through and reconstructed a list of what he has been reading and watching january to february and it is decently creditable. 

he read some of eula biss's having and being had (having read an article about it) - an anatomisation of the capitalist everyday, which like horsemouth takes you into the pounds and pence (dollars and cents) of existence. of needing furniture, of shopping at IKEA etc. all written in relatable prose (unlike horsemouth's maunderings) but by someone who is doing too well to be likeable. 

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