Friday 5 March 2021

BANDCAMP FRIDAY - now open your wallet and repeat after me 'help yourself'

today is bandcamp friday when in exchange for advertising bandcamp (and to a lesser extent musicians of bremen's musical product hosted on it) horsemouth and howard receive marginally more money from each sale. 

so please put a penny in the old man's hat. (this would be the equivalent of watching the old man's youtube video a hundred times). 

the actual headline rate is pretty good and (like most musicians horsemouth has ever discussed this with) musicians are actually pretty impressed with the bandcamp set up and offer. it just needs tyou the consumer to actually buy their music (apologies if you have already). they like soundcloud too, and mixcloud and horsemouth makes great use of video sharing platforms such as youtube and daily motion. but here we are heading in to rates of remuneration so bad it doesn't bear thinking about. 

howard argues they need to be on tiktok (is that the correct spelling?).

of course if they wanted to make money they should go busking. but making money isn't their goal really. they just want to be sure t hat people are hearing their music. 

mixmaster mike posted a picture. 

'this is the prestigious gold DMC world DJ championships world championship mixer trophy..'

mixmaster mike (of the invisibl skratch piklz) wins this competition, receives their golden trophy mixer and then has to use it for years because he can't afford another mixer

'I used it and beat it to shreds because I was broke and couldn’t afford a mixer. I was a broke world DJ champion. (I) had to turn that situation around.'

mixer/ DJ technology has changed out of all recognition and made it possible to do impossible things. DJ rob swift said the following; 

'it’s not lost on me that the X-Ecutioners performance accompanying this caption took place just before the turn of the 21st century. before smartphones and social media. in advance of the technology that affords us all the DJ apps, turntables without tone arms and tricked out mixers that make the impossible possible. the 4 of us put a big fat period at the end of turntablism's golden era on this stage, on that night. fuck, you might as well file this post under shit you will never see again at a DJ battle.'


last night horsemouth watched two episodes of early 70ies french supernatural detective series la brigade des maléfices. technology played a strange part. in the first episode the fairies of a lake in a park are abducting men - they cannot be seen or heard (normally) but they can be recorded on film, in movies, or on magnetic tape. 

similarly in the second episode a devil type character is selling TVs to the newly wed, the TVs are fitted with a camera (like gogglebox) so that the audience can be observed and in the studios a drama is specifically performed to make the young husbands jealous (resulting in murder). (of course this parallels the audience research work that later went on to become gogglebox). 

he watched a little of les rois maudits. arguably the books were a precursor to game of thrones (remember that?). 

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