Sunday 21 March 2021

equinox plusone (into the bright half of the year)

RIP paul jackson bass on you got it you get it, and lots of herbie hancock/ headhunters funk stuff, santana's festival and shawn philips' spaced...

horsemouth must admit to robbing that berimbau part. 

it is into the bright half of the year (for that part of humanity that lives in the northern hemisphere - you've got to remember that even india and sri lanka in the northern hemisphere).  

over half the (adult) population has been jabbed (but not horsemouth). this only goes to show how many sick and aged people there are (not that horsemouth is not sick and aged). 

he lazed around in the day not getting any reading done. in the afternoon/ evening he took to watching zatoichi. whilst horsemouth was being bored suke and enza were creating (he admits to being a little envious). 

he had a brief discussion online about the post brexit/ covid world 

(probably the lack of a pay rise for nurses/  the cuts to the railways  the first sign of it). 

brexit was self-inflicted and divisive but post-COVID there will be calls for unity (er. and sacrifice). really if they can get away with giving the nurses a real world pay cut what chance for the rest of us. horsemouth's parents, his brother are staunch brexiteers. the whole thing is probably best viewed as the UK equivalent of MAGA. and now it will get even more weird as britain really does become 'little britain'. horsemouth thinks the ruling class would have gone for it after brexit but now (post-covid) they have a licence to go even bigger. 

gawdelpus. in this respect horsemouth is glad to be old and thus out of it relatively soonish. 

yesterday horsemouth checked his finances. he was a late starter regarding the world of work (courtesy of squatting and volunteering and government make-work schemes). when he thought he was going to canada (and when he was still in shock that people would pay him money to do things) he worked hard as he could and  saved money. but he would frequently get sick and exhausted in winter. in the last decade that has gone into reverse and he has started living off of those savings. working first through his savings account and then starting in on his ISA (so far he has rinsed half the interest on it without digging into the capital). the credit crunch and now covid have dented it 

horsemouth lives cheap (this is the secret he learned from his yorkshire scottish granny) and can probably roll the rock a few years closer to his retirement and then coast it out until his pension. this is his plan (such as it is).  at one point his plan was to coast out a few of those years at least in the south of europe. brexit has buggered that bit but it may still be possible (assuming horsemouth survives). 

ok. roll on he jab. howard may be up around lunchtime. after that maybe some painting in the front room. 

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